chapter forty-two

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THE MEETINGS FOR DUMBLEDORES army had been going smoothly, alyra had become awfully close with the youngest weasley, ginny, throughout the lessons in the room of requirements. the pair worked well together and often times would talk outside of the lessons and hang out in the courtyard and during any passing time. at the moment, alyra could easily say that ginny was probably her dearest friend, despite only being friends with the younger girl since the beginning of the clubs forming.

"so, that's it for this lesson." harry spoke to the group as he, hermione, ron, and alyra stood in front of everyone, but alyra had eyes set on cho chang, a tiny jealous glare in her eyes as she looked at her, seeing the way the girl was looking at harry, "now, we're not gonna be meeting again until after the holidays. so, just keep practicing on your own as best you can. and, and well done, everyone. great, great work."

alyra had noticed tiny interactions between harry and cho, where cho would look at him for much too long than the blonde would have liked her to, or where he'd be helping her but she'd be too distracted looking at him. she tried not to let it get to her but, she couldn't help but shake the strange feeling that harry might feel the same about cho.

"come on, alyra." ginny grabbed hold on alyras arm just as the blonde was about to turn towards harry and mention something about cho's staring eyes.

"what? oh!" alyra waved a quick goodbye to harry before going out the door with ginny, not failing to notice how even after everyone had left, cho and harry had stayed behind. she couldn't shake the strange feeling in her stomach. she and the weasley had stayed outside the door to wait for harry and alyra kept her eyes on the two still in the room, not taking her eyes off of them as they talked, "do you think he likes her?" alyra asked in a tiny whisper

"cho? i doubt it." ginny shook her head, "believe me, alyra, he's only got his eyes set on you. you're seriously all he talks about. it's rather annoying, actually."

alyra laughed a little at the girls comment, but the laugh quickly stopped when cho leaned in and pressed her lips against harry's, making alyras hand come up over her mouth.

harry pulled away immediately but, alyra hadn't noticed, as she turned away the second cho's lips met harry's. everyone knew she and harry were together. cho knew harry was with her. she also had been with cedric before he died. alyra could remember the way cedric would talk about cho, saying how he really liked her and hoped the relationship would last a while. but now, alyra was walking quickly through the halls of the castle as tears ran down her cheeks after seeing cho chang kiss harry. her harry.

"alyra!" she heard harry yelling after her down the halls as he ran to catch up with her, "alyra jane!"

she ignored him, and entered the girls bathrooms, leaning against the sinks and just crying to herself. she didn't know where ginny had gone after she'd walked away. she had left much too quickly to notice, and she didn't notice the way the door opened behind her.

"alyra." she heard harry's voice approaching her cautiously, "alyra, i did not kiss her back. i promise you i would never do that to you."

"do you like her?" alyras voice broke as she turned around to look at him, and his heart broke at the tears running down her face, "please just be honest with me harry, if you like her please just be honest. i see the way she looks at you."

"oh, alyra..." harry cupped her face in his hands, and frowned at her quivering bottom lip, "of course i don't like her. you are the only one for me. i promise you that. it's always been you alyra jane."

"you promise?" the blonde asked in a shaky voice, "you don't want her? at all?"

"you're the only one i want." harry told her in a quiet whisper as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips, "i love you, alyra jane. i'll always love you."

"always?" she asked, pressing her forehead to his, "like, define what you mean by always?"

"always as in, i want to be with you for the rest of my life." he told her, making a smile form on the girls face, "there's that smile i love. have i ever told you just how much i love your smile darling? it's truly your most beautiful feature."

"maybe you've mentioned it a few times." the blonde giggled quietly at his comment, "i think my favorite feature of yours is your eyes. i think they're very beautiful and i like the way you look at me. it makes me feel special."

"i also really like your hair." he told her

"oh, boy do i know." she let out a soft laugh which made his smile grow wider, "you are always sniffing that hair of mine. you're like a dog."

"a dog!?" he asked as he let out a louder laugh, "did you just call me a dog?"

"well, yeah." she nodded, "you are always sniffing me."

"not you, your hair."

"same difference." she rolled her eyes, pulling him by his arm to the door of the bathroom, "we have to get out of here before someone catches you in here."

"i sorta forgot it was the girls bathroom." he admitted as they exited the room, sneaking around the corner quickly

"pervert in the girls bathroom." alyra sighed as she walked ahead of him, her fingers interlocking with his as she led him through the corridors


cho... watch your back.

anyways, love you ginny weasley. my girl xx

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