chapter seven

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"GO CED!" alyra cheered on cedric as she sat in the hufflepuff section watching the quidditch match. she payed close attention, as she sat alone and didn't really have anyone to talk to as she watched the game. cedric was really her only close friend in her house, so she didn't exactly have people to talk to. but still, she wore a huge smile on her face as she cheered for her house, despite the cold rain pouring down on her making her shiver from time to time.

lightning struck and thunder sounded as harry and the hufflepuff seeker flew up into the sky after the golden snitch. her smile suddenly dropped at how high into the sky they were going, straight into the storm clouds, into the thunder and lightning. she gasped when she saw her houses seeker falling down from the sky, standing on her tip toes as that's something she often does when nervous. her arms were shoved into her jacket pockets and her yellow and black hufflepuff scarf was wrapped around her to keep her warm as she looked in horror. then looked back up towards the sky, trying to see if harry was still up there, her nerves getting the better of her as she worried greatly for the potter boy.

he still hadn't come down, just kept going up and up. after many minutes, she saw his body falling down from the sky, no broom. just him. "HARRY!" she yelled as she watched him fall, getting odd looks from others in her house at her concern for the boy. with her being a malfoy, most everyone assumed she wouldn't get along well with harry due to his and draco's rivalry since first year. she watched in horror as he continued to fall, her hand coming up over her face as she couldn't watch it any longer, not wanting to see him truly get hurt.


LYRA was hesitant in walking to the hospital wing pf the castle, she walked slowly and made sure nobody could figure out where she was going. part of her just really needed to talk to harry, to make sure he was doing alright. she peeked in and saw many gryffindors gathered around him, he not yet woken up, but he was stirring a slight bit, certainly he was to wake up soon.

the blonde girl stood at the door as she listened to the faint voices of the gryffindors, although t she couldn't exactly make out what they were saying, she just was silently hoping he'd wake up soon, she was terribly eager to talk to him.

she suddenly perked up, a grateful relieved smile setting in on her face when she made out his voice, she peeked in and caught the eyes of hermione, who looked at her with a puzzling look as she stood there. the malfoy girl immediately went a light shade of red and hid herself again, cursing herself for getting seen. what was she doing. if she wasn't gonna go in and talk to him why was she even there in the first place.

she stood out there for nearly 10 minutes after her awoken, still undecided on weather or not to go see him when the gryffindors all made there way out, each one of them giving alyra a rather confused look as they passed by her, except for hermione who stopped beside her, "well are you gonna go talk to him or what?" hermione asked her, the blonde just bit her lip nervously, pulling it between her teeth and chewing on it lightly as she looked back at hermione with flushed cheeks, "well, go on then."

"okay, okay." lyra sighed before finally fully entering, making her way to where harry sat, sending the boy a small wave and little smile when he looked up and saw her, "hey.."

"malfoy.." he looked down, not wanting to meet her gaze as he spoke pretty closed off from her

"how do you feel?" she asked, playing with her fingers as she spoke, clearly extremely nervous about the encounter.

"brilliant." he replied, not letting the girl in the slightest bit, and he clearly didn't plan on it either

"i'm sorry.." she looked down, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth again as she spoke in a low, soft voice.

"sorry for what?" he finally looked up at her, a slight confusion in his green eyes

"well... well what you heard draco and i talking about." she replied, looking back at him, "i didn't mean it." she said that part only in her head, in reality she said, "you've seemed upset with me ever since then."

"i'm not upset with you." harry told her, his voice suddenly growing soft at how upset she sounded, "just upset with myself. i could never be upset with you, you didn't do anything wrong."

the blonde smiled softly at that, a sort of glimmer in her blue-grey eyes at his words, "i'm glad to hear that."

"you look really cold." harry laughed at her, as the girl shivered the slightest bit

"me?" she asked, looking at him in disbelief, "you were the one way up high in those thunder clouds. i was extremely worried for your well being you know."

"you were worrying about me now malfoy?" harry's eyebrows raised as his mouth formed into a small smile

"not just you.. really just everyone playing today." she tried defending herself, trying to not make it seem as though she liked him in any way

"i think it's cute that you were worried about me." harry accidentally let slip out of his mouth, which made himself and lyra go wide eyed as they looked at one another, "i mean like.. well.." he looked away from her as his cheeks flushed a little in embarrassment, but the blonde just giggled a little at him

"i think it's cute how nervous you get." she replied, cursing herself the minute the words left her mouth, although not fully regretting saying it. she didn't like having to hide the way she felt for him. it was killing her inside, she just wanted to tell him the truth, but she knew she couldn't.

"has anyone ever told you how absolutely beautiful your eyes are?" harry asked suddenly, analyzing her eyes, staring deep into them, noticing every detail of them, "i love the color of them. you have some of the most beautiful eyes ive ever seen in my life alyra."

"really?" she asked, unable to stop the heavy blush and huge grin from creeping up onto her pale face, "i love your eyes as well harry."


just a quick little cute one x

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