chapter twenty-nine

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"STELLA, WAIT UP." alyra called after the brunette as she was near the great hall doors, the brunette quickly turning around at the call of her name, seeing alyra running towards her, "i must speak with you stella."

"why?" stella asked, a frown on her face, "you haven't wanted to speak with me for the last two bloody months. what's changed all of the sudden?"

"draco talked to me last night." she sighed, a guilty look in her eyes, "and cedric did as well. they made me realize somethings. draco said i shut people out too much and i realized that's exactly what i did to you."

"yeah, that is what you did to me." stella replied, clearly upset at the malfoy girl, "it wasn't fair, alyra."

"i know, and im sorry stella." alyra could feel some tears brimming her eyes

"you can't just give me the silent treatment for not telling you something, it's not fair. plus, it hadn't been going on for a long while. only a week or so." stella told her, seeming more angry than sad, "you didn't even give me the chance to talk to you about it."

"i know."

"i wanted to tell you, i really did." stella told her with a sigh, "but i was scared about how you'd react to me telling you he was my date. i was too scared to tell you the truth because you're my best friend and i didn't want you thinking i'd choose your brother over you. you come first to me always alyra."

"and you come first to me too stel." alyra sighed and wrapped her arms around the brunette, "i'm really sorry i stopped talking to you. i think i do have a problem with shutting people out. you guys are right."

"i know that." stella squeezed alyra tight and looked at her with a soft smile, "but im not gonna let you shut me out anymore, got it? as long as ive got anything to do with it, you're not gonna be shutting off from me anymore."

"alright, alright." alyra replied, linking her arm with stella, "shall we go eat then?"

"we shall." stella laughed as they walked into the hall, parting ways only seconds later when they both had to go to their seperate tables

"hello, there." alyra tapped a couple times on harry's shoulder as she walked past him, turning back as his head spun around to face her but she was walking away and waved back at him as she got to her spot at the hufflepuff table beside cedric, "i talked to stella." she told him with a smile

"im assuming you guys are back on speaking terms then?" he questioned and alyra nodded with a smile, "that makes me happy, i've missed you guys."

"i've really missed her." alyra told him and cedric smiled warmly at her

"i know you did." cedric said and lyra sighed a little, "you know, you two are both like my little sisters."

"really?" she looked over and smiled at him as she took a bite of her breakfast, "well i know she is obviously because tou guys are related, but me too?"

"yeah, you mean a lot to me lyra." cedric told her, "and i know you have it a little rough at home so, i really try and make you feel as at home as i can while you're here."

"you mean a lot to me too, ced." alyra smiled sweetly at his words, "you and stella both do."



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