chapter twelve

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ALYRA popped her head up into what seemed to just be a really dark ominous looking shack. she and hermione and harry all shared a sort of freaked out look as they looked around the place, until harry pulled himself out of the hole first and helped both of the girls out of it

"were in the shrieking shack, aren't we?" hermione asked, alyra shrugged while harry nodded

"come on." harry muttered, leading both girls up the stairs slowly, they could faintly hear ron groaning in the distance and alyra held onto harry's finger as they walked. not even his full hand, just a single finger for some reason, but harry just let her do it.

"ron" harry exclaimed as they made it to a big room

"what happened?" alyra asked ron as she looked at him sat down on some old and sad looking couch

"ron, you're okay!" hermione sighed in relief as she ran to him

"the dog— where is it?" harry asked, growing quite nervous when he didn't see it anywhere

"harry, it's a trap!" ron pointed to behind harry, and alyra gasped, her hand coming over her mouth when she looked over and saw him, "he's the dog! he's an animagus!"

sirius black began walked towards them slowly and lyra pulled harry to stand behind her, blocking him from black as hermione exclaimed at the man, "if you want to kill harry, you'll have to kill us too!"

"no." sirius spoke in a low and scratchy voice that made a shiver run down lyras spine as she held onto the sides of harry's waist from in front of him, "only one will die tonight."

"then it'll be you!" harry pushed his way past alyra and lunged at black, and the blonde backed up with hermione as the two girls shared a worried glance, watching as harry grabbed sirius by the neck and pulled him to the ground with him, pinning him down and holding his wand to the man's head.

"are you going to kill me, harry?" sirius asked, chuckling lightly as he did so

suddenly the door flung open and a voice yelled, "expelliarmus!" alyra looked up and saw professor lupin had run in and saw harry's wand fly from his hand. lupin nodded towards harry as if telling him to get up and he did. as harry stood, alyra grabbed him by his arm and pulled him close to her, not wanting to let him go again. she didn't wanna see him hurt.

"well, well, sirius." professor lupin spoke rather slowly at the man, "looking rather ragged, aren't we? finally the flesh reflects with the madness within."

"well, you'd know all about the madness within," sirius spoke in reply, and alyra looked confusedly between the two older men, "wouldn't you remus?"

her face completely dropped and her hold on harry's arm tightened as lupin lowered his wand and helped sirius black off of the ground, watching as the two men hugged

"is that malfoys girl?" sirius tried to whisper quietly but alyea could hear him and furrowed her eyebrows together at why he'd be asking about her, "why are they so.. close?"

"i can hear you." she spoke through gritted teeth, which made harry look back at her for a moment, before bringing his gaze back to the display before them

"i found him." she then heard sirius and lupin talking quietly to each other as they ignored her comment
"i understand."
"let's kill him."

"no!" both hermione and alyra yelled at the same time, but lyra stayed attached to harry while hermione stepped forward and continued to speak, "i trusted you! and all this time yo- you've been his friend." hermione looked at harry and then back towards the professor, "he's a werewolf! that's why he's been missing classes."

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