chapter eighteen

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ALYRA WALKED slowly behind her father and her brother, looking up as she saw row upon row of seats above them, fascinated by how large the stadium was. aure, she was excited and happy to be there, and greatful to her family for getting as good of seats as they did but, she didn't really wanna be there that much, any time spent with her father was time being taken off of her life.

she looked straight above her as she heard a family voice speaking, "blimey, dad. how far up are we?" she smiled a little as she saw ron and his father, her smile faltering as her father also noticed the weaselys above them

"well, put it this way." lucius began, a smugness to his voice, "if it rains... you'll be the first to know."

alyra frowned as draco moved her out of the way, making her stumble to the side as he too spoke up towards the weasleys, "father, alyra, and i are in the ministers box. by personal invitation of cornelius fudge himself."

draco pulled his sister along with him as lucius began walking again, the blonde girl was looking down at her feet, looking up again when her father said, "don't boast, draco." alyra bumped into draco as lucius stopped him by hitting him slightly on his stomach.

she looked up at the weasleys and her face lit up as harry came into her view, the boy smiled down at her and she smiled back, a new light to her eyes and a new happiness in her expression when she saw him for the first time since school had ended. when she looked up she also noticed the diggorys, waving a small wave towards cedric and stella, the brunette girl smiling widely as she waved down to her best friend

"alyra, stop." she felt a small smack of a hand to the back of her head and turned to see her father as the smile on her face immediately dropped and she looked down at her feet, "there's no need with these people." she heard her father finish, and alyra saw harry turn hermione around with him, moving back when her father nearly hit her as he hit his walking stick up, the blonde girl gasping in fear as she backed into draco who held onto her shoulder, "do enjoy yourself, won't you? while you can."

she took notice to the smirk that formed on her fathers face, sharing an apologetic glance with harry and them all as draco and her father hurried off, leaving her behind for a moment

"alyra jane." she heard her fathers harsh voice a little ways away and her head snapped towards his voice, her face full of some sort of fear, "if i need to tell you one more time, i swear." he threatened and her friends above shot worried glances towards the blonde below them, "let's. go."

"coming, father." she muttered as she hurried off quickly towards her brother, not looking back to her friends again and sticking by her brothers side the rest of the night. all that replayed in her mind was harry's smile that formed when he saw her though, and that made her weirdly smily as she watched the quidditch game.

however, that smile was short lived when after the match, havoc broke loose as death eaters swarmed the area. alyra got separated from her brother and her father, and looked about frantically as fear filled the entirety of her body.

"draco!" she yelled loudly, tears brimming her eyes as she had no idea where to go, "draco!!!"

she ran around frantically, scared that something may have happened to her brother as things exploded all around her, making her scream

she managed to make it out with the big crowd, and by some miracle, found draco amongst them, but not her father. draco held his sister close to him as they managed to get home together. her mind wandered to where her fathers whereabouts may be, but that wasn't her main focus at the moment, it was getting home.



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