chapter nineteen

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THE MALFOYS stood on the platform, narcissa and lucius there to see the twins off to hogwarts.

"are you excited for another year?" narcissa asked, smiling at the twins while lucius stood with a cold expression on his face

"yeah, i guess." alyra shrugged, she was very excited. but not really for going to the school itself, more like who she'd see at the school. she tried to hide her excitement under a cool tone and a calm voice

the train pulled up eventually and the twins went to go on board, walking side by side when alyra felt a big hand on her shoulder and turned to see her fathers stood behind her. draco seemed to not notice and continued onto the train, as she looked at her father with a confused look.

"don't disappoint me this year." he spoke in a cold tone that made a chill run up her spine, "you've disappointed me every year since you were born alyra jane, don't make this year like the past ones."

he let go of her and she stood with her jaw dropped open for a second as her parents began off, her mother hadn't heard what her father had said to her.

she turned towards the train and walked on, her head was spinning and her breathing was shaky as she walked quickly into the first empty compartment she came across, falling into a seat as she pulled her knees to her chest, her fathers words repeating over and over and over in her head as she covered her face with her hands. she could feel tears begin falling and the world around her went quiet as she lost most ability to breathe. she was panting and breathing in small quick breathes as tears streamed down her cheeks, her face still buried in her hands as she hit her head softly.

she heard as an echo in her mind someone stepping into the compartment she was on, the foot steps stopping almost right when they walked in. she still sat there sobbing as she experienced one of the worst panic attacks she'd had before. she had had her fair share of them before, so it wasn't rare for her to be this way but, this one was a lot worse than they usually were.

"breathe." she heard a soothing voice whisper as someone sat beside her. due to the state of panic she was in, she couldn't make out who it was.

the person pulled her hands away from her face and held her face on their hands. the hands were kind of cold but weirdly comforting on her face.

she felt her breathing calm down, but tears still blurred her eyes and she couldn't make out who was in front of her, only being able to take notice to thher fact that the person was a guy. she leaned into him, and he let her lay her head on his chest as he stroked her hair softly, "you're okay." he whispered into her ear, kissing the side of her head soothingly, "you're okay alyra. deep breaths, okay?"

she finally made out who the voice was, it was harry. she felt embarrassed that he'd seen her in this state.

finally, she pulled away from his chest, looking at him as her breathing calmed down, "thank you." she whispered, her voice cracking as she did so.

"anything for you." he whispered back, wiping the tears under her eyes and wiped off the stains of mascara that came from her crying, "what happened?"

"i don't wanna talk about it.." she replied, leaning into him again, noticing hermione and ron looking at the pair, there eyes set on her with concern written in both of their looks.

"okay, you don't have to." he told her, letting the girl lay on his shoulder, "are you okay?"

"i will be."


after a few moments with the four of them sitting there silently in the compartment, harry could feel soft breaths on his neck, and took notice to the fact that alyra had drifted off to sleep against him, smiling a little at the sight of her.

"i wonder what happened." hermione muttered once the girl was sleeping

"me too." harry nodded in agreement



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