chapter thirty-two

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"GO HARRY AND CED!" alyra yelled, standing next to stella in the crowd, she was nervous, very nervous.

"alyra, are you scared?" stella asked, turning to her blonde beat friend with worry in her eyes, "scared that something may happen to either of them?"

alyra looked into stella's eyes with an equally worried expression, "extremely." she spoke quietly, the nervousness laced within her voice

"i don't want something to happen to him." stellas voice was quiet and alyras eyes softened as she looked at the brunette

"i know stel... i know." the blonde sighed, "we just have to hope for the best, alright? and hopefully, if we're lucky, he'll be okay."

"and so will harry." stella nodded in agreement, smiling a little at the blonde

alyra cheered for harry, the boys eyes finding his girlfriend as her and stella stood in the front row of the stands the students all took seats in. alyra drew a heart in front of her face with her fingers as she blew harry a kiss, the dark haired boy acting like her caught it and smiling up at her, a goofy grin on his face as alyra rolled her eyes at his dorkiness

"you guys are really cute." stella told her friend, "the way he looks at you is everything alyra."

"really?" alyra asked, looking dreamily at the dark haired boy as stella nodded beside her

"silence!" dumbledores voice was suddenly heard loudly, making the cheering of the students and the die down quickly as everyone took their seats. alyra and stella sat with their arms linked with one another's as they watched the events before them, "earlier today, professor moody placed the triwizard cup deep within the maze. only he knows its exact position. now, as mr. diggory..." alyra and stella clapped with the other eager students as the diggorys father held his sons arm up above his head, " potter." alyra stood up and cheered even louder, pulling stella up with her as their arms were still linked, "are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by mr. krum..." alyra and stella sat back down for the other two names called, "...and miss delacour. the first person to touch the. yo will be the winner. i've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands."

"go harry!!!" alyra yelled embarrassingly loud, making stella laugh at her a tiny bit, "don't be rude."

"on the count of three." alyra heard dumbledore and made eye contact with harry one more time, giving him a quick thumbs up, "one—"

everyone gasped as filch let the cannon off before dumbledore got to three, shrugging as he did so. alyra pulled her lip bottom lip between her teeth as harry entered the maze, watching nervously as he disappeared into the darkness of it, "come on harry." she whispered, watching the greenery close behind the boy, "you can do it."


"SHOULDNT THEY BE out by now?" alyra asked, growing impatient and worried as they'd been in there for a couple of hours by that point, "i'm scared something may have happened."

"i'm sure they'll... i'm sure they'll be out soon." stella told her, although there was an uncertainty to her voice

alyra simply hummed in agreement and nodded a little as she stared at the death trap her boyfriend and the boy who was practically her brother at this rate had entered, gasping when another red spark flew into the sky.

"stella, i'm scared." alyra muttered, "i have a really bad feeling. i just know something happened, but i can't tell who's hurt. i'm scared."

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