chapter forty-three

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tw!! child abuse//lucius malfoy

ALYRA AND DRACO arrived at the manor with their mother. it was around 8:00 in the evening and the twins were laughing and smiling with each other as they walked towards the door. the girl was excited because her mother had allowed the fact that she wanted to go to stella's for the rest of break after christmas day, although the part about it being stella's was a lie, her mother did not know that much.

"alyra, your father and i know." narcissa suddenly turned to her daughter before the girl opened the door, making alyras hart drop into her stomach as she looked at the older woman

"w— what do you know?" she asked, she could feel her face heating up as she asked, afraid of what the answer would be

"we know about you and the potter boy." narcissa told her, "i just want to warn you because... becuase your father is, well, he's extremely unhappy with you. really quite angry alyra..."

"are you upset at me?" she looked up towards her mom, who shook her head

"no, im not upset at you sunshine, i know you're happy with him and all i want is happiness for you, but.. just be careful around your father." narcissa told her, "i don't know what he'll do."

alyra nodded, and bit her lip nervously as they walked into the manor, draco stuck close to her side as they walked in, the first thing she noticed as she noticed was her fathers glaring gaze on her, it was cold, and it made a cold shiver run down her spine. she wished she could just go back to the safety of hogwarts. she hugged her arms around herself, as she did a lot when she was nervous. the comfort of harry's jumper making things slightly better but also worse for her nerves.

"alyra jane.." lucius spoke in a cold tone as he walked close to the twins, alyra looked up at him as he towered over her

"hello father.." she gulped a little, fear overtaking her body as her father stared down at her, and her mother stood behind her with her hands on either of the young girls shoulders.

lucius took hold of alyras arm harshly, pulling her nearer to him, making the young girl wince in pain at his tight grip around her wrist, "i'm extremely disappointed in you." he spoke in a cold tone before slapping the girl across the face, alyra had a full body reaction and her head moved to the side at the impact.

"lucius!" she heard her mother yell as tears welled up in her eyes, "do not lay another hand on my daughter!"

lucius pulled on the girls wrist again, tugging her harder this time, she could feel how tight his grip was on her as a few tears slipped down her cheeks

"father, let go of her." draco spoke in a bitter tone as he watched the scene in horror with wide eyes

"fine." he grumbled and alyra yelped in pain as the man threw her against the kitchen cabinets, making her hit her head and back against them harshly, "let her go."

"lucius!" narcissa yelled again at him, but still didn't do anything as lucius hit the young girl again, and again, and many times after that.

"narcissa, take draco out of the room." her father spoke, his tone still cold and bitter as alyra looked up at him, her whole body felt weak as she moved her gaze towards draco who was being held back by their mother as he tried to go at the man for hurting his sister, "now."

"what are you gonna do to her!?" draco yelled as their mother forced him out of the room, leaving alyra alone with lucius. narcissa knew it would only make it worse if she intervened. she knew it would just end up worse for her daughter if she did anything, she knew there was no way to stop anything lucius did from happening. she was afraid of him as well.

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