Chapter 3 - Flying lessons and duel with Draco

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Harry and Daphne and Tracy had just left defence against the dark arts, a stupid class in Harry's opinion, not because of the subject but more because of the teacher. Professor Quirrell couldn't really do more than stutter and teach theory, but something felt off about him.

The first question that came to Harry's mind is why he kept stuttering? There were potions that could cure that, stuttering may be an annoyance to muggles but it could mean death for wizards as it could ruin their ability to use spells and could cause injury or death in a duel.

The second was the story about how he was attacked by a vampire, if that was true then how did he survive? Vampires can be dangerous and if Quirrell was half as pathetic as he acts then no way in hell would he be able to survive a singular vampire attacking him. There was also something about Quirrell that felt wrong, all of Harry's instincts were telling him to neutralise him.

That brought Harry to another question, why did Dumbledore hire him? Surely he could have gotten a former auror to teach, but instead he chooses the former muggle studies teacher with a stutter and fear of everyone and everything.

Soon it was time for the first flying lesson, Harry stood next to Daphne and Tracy. Malfoy and Adrian came soon, both were bragging to anyone who would listen about their skills on a broom which caused Harry and his two friends to roll their eyes.

Soon Madam Hooch came along and the lesson started, they were told to hold their hands over their broom and say up. Harry's immediately shot up to his hand, Draco and Adrian took a few tries, as did Daphne and Tracy. Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger weren't doing as good, Ron's eventually flew up but stuck him in the face.

Then they were told to mount the brooms and they did as they were told, Harry couldn't keep the small smile off of his face when it turns out that both Adrian and Draco had their grips wrong. But before anymore could be said, Tracy's broom started flying up on its own with Tracy still on it.

"Help!" Tracy screamed as she flew high into the air.

"Tracy!" Daphne screamed but before she could do anything Tracy's broom started flying around in the air, screaming as she did.

Harry's eyes narrowed with focus, he shot off from the ground and began chasing Tracy who was flying towards the castle. Harry sped up and reached Tracy and extended his arm.

"Grab on!" Harry shouted, Tracy screamed again but reached out for Harry.

Unfortunately she slipped off and fell from the broom and fell from about fifty feet, Harry quickly shot after her and grabbed her hand a few moments before she would've hit the ground and pulled up while still holding her. Tracy was slowed down enough for her to land on her feet without injuring herself, unfortunately she did hurt her shoulder. Harry quickly hopped off his broom and sat Tracy down.

"Are you alright?" He asked as everyone ran over to them

"Y...yeah, I think I might have dislocated my shoulder but apart from that I'm fine"

"Oh, is that it?" Harry asked calmly

"What do you mean is that it?!" Daphne hissed "She dislocated her shoulder"

"And?" Harry shrugged "Could be way worse, now Tracy, stay still and I'll pop it back in"

"No!" Tracy screamed and Harry held his hands up in surrender

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