Chapter 13 - Lockhart, Quidditch and the cat

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Daphne wasn't exactly jealous of all the attention that Harry was giving Rose when they first met, well she was but she wouldn't ever admit it. She wasn't jealous in the boyfriend type of way, more because Rose was taking up time that Harry would be spending with her.

Though, she understood why, she could tell that Harry saw Rose like a younger sister. This sort of annoyed Daphne as she was somewhere between being annoyed at Harry for spending less time with her and proud of him for caring for Rose.

Rose had apparently been moved up to second year early, according to Harry there was a lot of arguing and effort involved but Rose had managed to take her end of year tests early and was moved up to second year. This told Daphne that despite her shyness, she was very smart.

Daphne actually had forgotten about her jealousy because she was starting to like Rose and had also become very protective of the girl. As had Tracy and Astoria, they couldn't help but want to protect the fragile girl. Especially from Malfoy, though they realised that they were sort of protecting Malfoy from Harry as Harry always looked close to blowing his fuse when Malfoy mentioned Rose.

Though his anger was forgotten after the hilarity of seeing his brother and Ron Weasley have their ears torn off by a howler from Molly Weasley, Rose who was initially terrified would also later admit that it was pretty funny. Though Harry wondered what on earth was so wrong with the woman that she absolutely had to shout at her children through a letter while they were at school.

One day Harry found himself being called up to Dumbledore's office, he had Daphne agree to look after Rose for him and made his way up. When he got there he found Snape and Dumbledore waiting for him. With a respectful nod to the both of them he sat down and the three began talking.

"Professors" Harry spoke first "what may I do for the two of you?"

"Good morning Harry" Dumbledore greeted "I'd like to start off by congratulating you on your victory in the Japanese war duels"

"Thank you" Harry replied

"I must say it was a surprise to hear you won, I was informed of your victory recently by a friend of mine whose son happened to compete in the tournament. According to him you were very impressive"

"Again, thank you." Harry replied, waiting for the old man to hurry up and get to the point.

"I am curious Harry about who has trained you Harry" Dumbledore replied "was it Lord Flight?"

"I've had multiple teachers" Harry responded "but yes, he was one of them"

"What has he taught you?" Dumbledore asked

"Spells, hand to hand combat" Harry answered

"Hmm, would you like to be more specific?"

"Not really" Harry shrugged

"Why not?"

"Because giving vague answers with little information is entertaining" Harry did his best to hide a smile at Dumbledore's reaction to his statement. Snape had enjoyed it so much that he actually smirked, he rather enjoyed Albus getting a taste of his own medicine.

"Mr Potter, forgive an old man for his curiosity" Dumbledore said "but I was hoping to know where you have been living all of these years. It appears to me that you do not live with the Dursley's"

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