Chapter 43 - Trial part 2

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"Harry" Dumbledore said "please, stop this. You need to work with us..."

"For the greater good?" Young Harry interrupted "Never have I hated a phrase more than 'the greater good' and never have I hated a person more than you"

"Harry, please I..."

"You've brought guests" Young Harry was looking at the aurors with a face full of childish curiosity "how wonderful, hello Professor Snape" He gave an adorable wave at the potions professor but he was doing little more than creeping everyone out "now, I am terribly sorry but I only have room for one of you in here. Hmm, Dumbledore, yes, you'll do. The rest of you will have to leave now...or else"

"Look kid, you don't tell us what to do" One auror began walking forward before any of his companions could protest "we are aurors and you will.." The man stopped when he felt something on his shoulder, it was wet, he touched his shoulder and found a big pile of drool.

A hissing sound was heard, it echoed throughout everyone's ears. The auror was about to say something when someone dropped in front of him, the person was taller than him, no...this was definitely not a person. Black trainers and black trousers covered the bottom half of the body, the other half was completely naked. Green, scaly skin combined with sharp, piercing nails. A bright yellow pair of eyes, a jaw full of razor sharp teeth and a messy head of raven black hair which made it look even more demonic.

"Ooh" Child Harry exclaimed "he doesn't like you. Hmm...must be because you're a death eater"

The auror quickly aimed his wand at the beast in front of him when it flicked it's left wrist and a small spine flew from it and straight into the aurors neck, blood poured from his neck as his body dropped to the floor. Before it quickly disappeared from the sight of Dumbledore, Snape and the rest of the aurors.

The court gasped in shock and horror when one of the aurors that had entered Mr Potter's mind collapsed on the floor, a hole in his neck that blood poured out of.

"What is happening?!" The judge demanded

"He's dead sir!" One auror called out as they examined the body "he has a hole, just like he got in Potter's mind"

"Impossible!" The judge said with disbelief

"Get them out!" Amelia Bones had ordered as she jumped to her feet

"We can't" The technician in charge of the pensive said "their minds are connected and the only ways to get them out of Potters mind is for them to leave willingly, Potter to kick them out or for them to die"

"Now" Child Harry spoke "are you going to leave?" He asked with a grin

"Harry, you need to stop this!" Dumbledore spoke "I'm sorry but I can no longer let this go on!"

"Goodie" Harry clapped happily "I was hoping you'd say that. The rest of you?" He said to the aurors who were looking nervous and a bit fearful "Ah well, I'll decide for you. Relax, I won't kill any of you. Neither will my security"

"Security?" Snape blinked

"Of course" Harry snorted "this is where all my most important memories are, you think I'd leave this unguarded. No, no. I'm not a fool, as for my security. Who better to trust than myself?" Harry grinned as the light faded from above him, leaving everyone in the dark

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