Chapter 25 - 1rst task,flying Harry

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Harry and Adrian were sat in Dumbledore's office, opposite Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall. They were all waiting on the arrival of Lily Potter, McGonagall and Snape were about the only two adults in the room that had any idea of the impending doom that was coming towards Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore!" Lily Potter screamed as she entered the headmaster's office, she was followed by her husband, Sirius and Remus. McGonagall and Snape wisely backed off, once she entered she saw her sons. Her anger quickly died down and she ran to both of them and pulled them into a big hug. "OH! My boy's! Are you two okay?!"

"We're fine mum" Adrian said once she let go

"Debatable" Harry replied "Dumbledore says we have to compete in that bloody tournament even though we never put our names in"

"Dumbledore!" Lily turned to the headmaster, her anger had returned tenfold "What is this nonsense about my children having to compete in this bloody tournament?!"

"Now Lily, please calm down" Dumbledore said

"Calm?!" Lily shouted, the adults took a step back, Adrian felt someone tap him on his shoulder. He found Harry offering him a bag of popcorn, he had no idea where Harry got it from but he wasn't about to question it. He took the popcorn and the two watched. "My children are being forced into a tournament that was cancelled because too many people died and you want me to be calm?!"

"I'm afraid that the matter is out of my hands" Dumbledore said apologetically "the boys names have come out and institute a legally binding contract, they must compete"

"But they're not of age!" Lily argued "Harry may be emancipated but I can pretty much guarantee that he'll not compete and Adrian is under our custody now, they are not to be competing."

"Lily, the goblet of fire is an ancient magical artifact" Dumbledore spoke, hoping to make her see sense "we cannot simply tell it that the participants don't have permission from their parents to enter"

"So what are you saying?!" Lily demanded "That my sons have to compete in this tournament?!"

"Yeah Dumbledore! Is that what you're saying?!" Harry added, enjoying the show a bit too much

"Unfortunately, yes" Dumbledore nodded

"Hey mum, why don't you ask him why a death eater was pretending to be Moody?" Harry asked

"Why was a death eater pretending to be Moody?!" Lily shouted

"Also, why didn't you work it out?" Harry asked "Someone as paranoid as Moody probably had some way or form of squeezing out imposters"

"He did" James nodded "he gave us each a question to ask him when we saw him"

"And did you ask the question?" Harry said to Dumbledore

"Sadly I did not" Dumbledore replied "but I…"

"Oh, and there was your pathetic defences on the goblet"

"Pathetic?" Dumbledore repeated

"Yeah, an age line and that was it. I could think of tons of ways to get pass that"

"Like what?" McGonagall asked

"Paper airplanes, attaching a note to a long stick and dropping it in, throwing it from outside of the age line, getting another student to do it on my behalf, getting another teacher to do it on my behalf, getting a house elf to do it on my behalf, summoning the goblet to outside of the age line, getting rid of the age line, grappling down from the ceiling, getting a time turner and going back in time and putting my name in before you drew the age line, getting a badger and covering it honey then..."

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