Chapter 39 - Meeting of snakes and birds

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Snape prepared himself as he was about to enter the room to meet Voldemort and his blasted son. The last time he had come here, Red had killed five people. He laughed when Lucius said five.

He took a deep breath and entered the room when he found a body land in front of him, the blood pouring from it gave Severus no doubt that the person was dead. Snape looked up, Voldemort was sitting in his chair or throne as the dark lord called it, while the other death eaters stood on either side against the walls, looking very nervous.

In the middle stood Red, his arms wrapped around a death eaters neck. A second later a snap was heard, and the body dropped on to the floor. Red looked at it like an old broken toy before he gave it a kick, and it flew straight cross the room at Severus who just barley ducked the body which flew out the door.

"Close the door" Red ordered as he turned to Voldemort, Snape did as he was told and closed the door "do you have any followers that are capable of offering me a challenge?" He asked, tiredly

"I'm not willing to sacrifice all of my men simply to keep you entertained" Voldemort glared at him

"Damn it" Red sighed as he looked around the room at all the nervous death eaters "I miss Potter, he was at least always willing to put up a good fight."

"Severus" Voldemort ignored his son and looked towards Snape "I trust you have news for me"

"Yes my lord" Snape walked forwards and knelt down, making sure he kept some distance between Voldemort and himself along with himself and the neck snapping machine. "As you are, undoubtedly, aware of Mr Potter escaping Hogwarts and the aurors" Voldemort inclined his head to indicate he did know what Snape was talking about. "Before he left, he left Dumbledore quite injured, the old fool was placed in the hospital wing just before I came here. Unfortunately, it appears that Mr Potter didn't cause damage that will take more than a few days for the nurse to fix"

"I wonder what he's planning" Red said out loud

"You believe he has planned something?" Voldemort asked

"Of course he does" Red snorted "he attacked those aurors and kidnapped Lestrange for a reason. He never does anything this big without a good reason. Ah well, at least it'll be entertaining, he never fails to deliver on that front. Either way, I'd recommend keeping on your toes, we have no idea what he will do"

"Severus" Voldemort spoke "you've taught the boy, how intelligent do you believe him to be?"

"Very my lord" Snape replied "he is always top in nearly every class he takes and if he's not the best then he's at least in the top five. He is incredibly intelligent, so much so that the boy was able to trick Albus Dumbledore himself into believing he could fly" It dawned on Snape that Dumbledore might not appreciate that being revealed, ah well

"He what?" Red chuckled, as many including Voldemort looked amused

"Yes, do go on Severus" Voldemort prompted

"He convinced Dumbledore that his secret to flying is to cover yourself in fairy dust and think happy thoughts" Snape said, a smile tugging at his lips "the next day I was called into the hospital wing to make potions for the old fool while the deputy headmistress and nurse berated him for being an 'old fool'"

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