Chapter 32 - You removed his head? Umbridge's first class

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Harry and Daphne, as prefects, lead the first years to the common room.

"Oh, these are the moving stairs" Daphne said as they got to the staircases

"Why are they called moving stairs?" One first year asked just as the stairs moved around

"Beats me" Harry shrugged and they all continued walking to the common room. "Just remember that ghosts live around the castle and portraits and paintings can be found nearly everywhere. The paintings will also have no problem with reporting what they see to the headmaster. What does that tell you?"

"Don't do anything bad in front of the portraits?" One Slytherin guessed

"Nice to know we've got a few snakes with brains" Harry said to Daphne who simply smiled as that first year blushed.

"A…are you Harry Potter?" One nervous first year asked

"No, I'm not" Daphne said with a straight face

"I am Harry Potter" Harry smiled "nice to meet you all"

"Did you really fight you-know-who last year?" One girl asked

"If by fight, you mean kick his butt then yeah, he did" Daphne smiled proudly

"Can you turn into a snake?" One asked

"Anyone at Hogwarts can turn into a snake with the right spell" Harry replied

"Can you fly?" Another asked "Without a broom?"

"Yep" Harry levitated himself a couple of feet in the air to prove his point, Daphne grinned as she watched him casually walk in the air while trying not to look at the awed first years.

"Alright, enough showing off" She pulled him back down to the ground

"Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" A girl asked

"Yes, but he's also my fiancée" Daphne answered

"How'd you get together?"

"Oh, she just begged to be my girlfriend, was going to cry if I refuse"

"Hey!" Daphne turned to him "That's a lie and you know it!"

"Okay fine, she offered me ten galleons to be her boyfriend"

"Harry" She glared at him

"Okay fine, it was eleven galleons" He grinned before wrapping an arm around Daphne and kissing her head

"You're still a prat" She sighed

"You're prat" He grinned as they reached the common room. Harry said the password and lead them all inside.

"Okay, listen up" Daphne said "this is the Slytherin common room, here you can rest and play and study and just relax. You're head of house will be Professor Severus Snape or Professor Snape as you're to call him, he is also the school potion master and teaches potions."

"We'd recommend reading you're potions books before you get to class" Harry spoke next "he likes students, especially his own snakes, to have some knowledge about the subject. Tomorrow morning me and the blonde beauty over there will be up to escort you all to breakfast hall."

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