Chapter 42 - Trial part 1

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"I am worried about him though" Adrian said to his girlfriend Rachel as they sat in the Gryffindor common room "I mean, I know he has a plan of some sort but what if it doesn't work?"

"I don't really know what to say to make you feel better" Rachel admitted "but the only thing you can do at this point is hope it goes well"

"Guess you're right" Adrian sighed "I just hope Harry comes back"

"Fat chance" Ron scoffed, the redhead had overheard the conversation and decided now was a good time to interrupt "your snake brother is going straight to Azkaban" The whole common room went quiet, everyone stopped what they were doing and began listening

"Ron" Adrian said in a bored tone "find a steep cliff and jump"

"Oh, is someone upset because he's brother is a murdering snake who's going to Azkaban?" Ron sneered

"Ron, I wouldn't talk about things you don't know about" Adrian replied with a forced calmness "which is why you shouldn't about anything that doesn't involve food or quidditch, because aside from being a walking garbage disposal you're not much use to anyone are you?"

"What'd you say?!" Ron jumped to his feet and pulled his wand out, Adrian did the same

"You really want to take your chances with me Ron?" Adrian raised an eyebrow "I'm the guy who's had training from the person who beat Voldemort at the age of fourteen and Dumbledore at the age of fifteen. I don't think you're very likely to beat me"

"I am a prefect!" Ron shouted

"Wow" Adrian said dryly "I didn't know the badge prevents pain as well, how lucky for you"

"Both of you stop it!" Hermione demanded as she walked up to the both of them

"I'm not the one who started it!" Adrian responded "I was talking with my girlfriend when your boyfriend decided to interrupt"

"He's not my boyfriend and I don't care who started it! I'm ending it!"

"You know I'm right" Ron said "that snake is going to Azkaban and..."

"Wait! Wait!" Seamus Finnegan said as he adjusted the volume in the wizarding wireless radio "Listen! It's about your brother!" He added to Adrian

"Well, ladies and gentlemen" Came the voice of the radio host "it has been absolute chaos in the ministry, thanks to one Harry James potter, the actual boy-who-lived. It is well known by now that he was arrested for attacking aurors and kidnapping Bellatrix Lestrange during a prisoner transfer. I'd like to start off with some news I've received, apparently of all the aurors he attacked, the only ones he killed were later found out to be death eaters and followers of you-know-who, how Mr Potter knew that is one of the many questions people are asking. But the story, is far from done.

When the aurors first tried to arrest Mr Potter, he had just defeated Albus Dumbledore, of all people, in a duel then escaped. It is widely known that he has spent a large amount of time going after death eaters. He has been racking up the body count, and it looks like he has slimmed you-know-who's army by quite a bit. Many people all over the country are very grateful for Mr Potter's efforts in the war"

"What?!" Ron blurted out in surprise as Adrian bit back a laugh

"Let's listen to what one viewer has to say" The host continued "with me today is Lisa Mathews, Lisa, how are you?"

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