Chapter 47 - Squib and Auror

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"Hello everyone" Harry grinned as he stood in front of everyone in the great hall "when I came back I told every one with a dark mark to come to me and I am pleased to report that several have."

"What are you doing Potter?!" Umbridge demanded

"it is called public speaking" Harry said without looking at her "something I'd advise you to work on in your free time, you can be quite annoying."

"Hmm, true" The entire hall, including the teachers, seemed to agree

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted" Harry continued "some people came to me but the problem is there are currently four people who haven't. Now, my first instinct was to break your bones but apparently I shouldn't be so quick to resort to violence. So, if the three seventh year Slytherin boys in the middle of the Slytherin table don't get up and walk with me to the DMLE then I will send them there myself"

"NO!" One of the boys yelled as all three got up and pointed their wands at Harry "you can't hurt us!"

"Can't I?" Harry raised an eyebrow "I assure you, I'm more than capable, though I have to admit that I need to give other people a chance to play. You can have a turn Ryan"

The trio of Slytherin's turned along with the heads of every person in the hall as the doors of the hall opened and a green figure entered, before anyone could do anything the three Slytherin's were each hit in the shoulder by an arrow and fell to the floor, dropping their wands and screaming in agony. Nobody noticed Harry summoning the wands because they were too focused on the figure in front of them.

He wore jeans and trainers along with a green jacket and a green bandanna. In his left hand was a bow, on his right leg was a holster that was positioned near the ankles that contained a knife. A few eagle eyed individuals noticed the weird shapes under his wrist and began theorising on what weapons were there. If asked the figure would have replied with 'wrist blades'. They would've also noticed how he didn't have a quiver, fortunately the bow is capable of producing it's own arrows.

"Harry" Ryan nodded in greeting

"And ladies and gentlemen, the three mighty purebloods fall under the skill and accuracy of a squib" Harry brought the crowds attention back to himself "you see Ryan over there is capable of firing two arrows in a second, for those of you that don't understand what this means then allow me to inform you, in one second he can kill two of you."

"How dare you?!" Umbridge screeched "You attacked fine and upstanding members of society! You..."

"Oh shut up you pompous overgrown pink monstrosity" Ryan cut her off as he removed his bandanna and lowered his hood

"You dare to insult me?!" Umbridge fumed

"I'm not insulting you" Ryan said "merely describing you, you warthog faced buffoon"

"Pardon but did you say buffoon or baboon?" Adrian asked from the Gryffindor table

"Buffoon" Ryan answered "she's not smart enough to be a baboon"

"That's fair" Ryan nodded in agreement

"Enough of this nonsense" Umbridge growled before pointing her finger at Ryan "this boy has attacked three purebloods, the DMLE will be called."

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