Chapter 36 - Why did he do this?

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Albus!" Moody barged into the new headquarters of the order, an old building that Albus owned. They could no longer use Grimmauld Place as Sirius was refusing to let the order conduct their meetings there. All of the order was present, Albus sat at one end of a very large table while the order all sat on the side of the table. Moody had just entered along with Tonks and Kingsley "Where is Potter?!"

"I'm right here" James said

"Not you! Your son! Harry!"

"What do you want with my son?" Lily asked

"Alastor" Dumbledore spoke "what happened? You were supposed to transport Bellatrix to..."

"We was!" Moody foamed in anger "We had Lestrange tied up and we had multiple aurors for back up! The next thing we know..."

"Mad-Eye" Kingsley interrupted "I think it's best if you take a breath. Me and Tonks will explain"

"Okay" Tonks said before she shifted her vocal cords to match Moody's voice and then spoke just as angrily as him "the next thing we know Harry comes and takes us all out! He then takes Bellatrix away and..."

"You keep that up and I'll hex you" Moody warned

"Sorry" Tonks turned her voice back to normal "but it's true. We were transporting her, we were in a car park then the next thing we know one of our aurors is taken out and he has this needle/spike thingy in his neck. Then he comes out, in his adult form wearing that grey jumper and bandanna. He then tells us to hand over Lestrange, when we refused he started taking us all out"

"He was scarily impressive" Kingsley admitted "we stood no chance against him"

"It was like fighting a monster" Tonks added "we couldn't find him or keep an eye on him long enough to shoot him. He was outnumbered and we were all auror trained and he made us look like nothing. Even got the better of old Mad-Eye over here" Moody growled at her comment

"How did he do that?" Sirius asked

"He stole his magic eye" Kingsley said "he also threw it right at his head" Many people only supressed their laughter out of a healthy respect for Mad-eye and a desire not to get hexed.

"Why did he do this?" Dumbledore asked, wondering what Harry was thinking

"He didn't say" Tonks admitted "funnily enough he keeps rather quiet once that mask of his is on. All he said was he wanted her and all we know is that the two knew each other"

"They do" Sirius spoke up "when he used to visit me in Azkaban, he visited her cell sometimes. I never heard what they talked about because our cells were far apart."

"Well it seems that she likes him more than Voldemort" Kingsley said

"Of course she does, I'm brilliant" Harry's voice echoed throughout the room

"Potter!" Mad-eye barked as his eye whizzed around, trying to find him "Where are you?!"

"I'm not saying until you promise not to shoot at me" Harry's voice replied

"No promises"

"Come out Harry" Lily said "he won't shoot you" Mad-eye looked like he was about to argue but kept himself silent after seeing the look he was getting from Lily 'The Dragon' Potter.

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