Chapter 41 - Escape

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Harry found himself sitting in an interrogation room, it was actually the same room he was in last time he was interrogated. He was even handcuffed to the table like last time, except this time he had two aurors in the room with him. Although, that probably didn't help much as they looked batshit scared about the fact that they were in the room with the defeater of Voldemort and Dumbledore who could decide to escape at any moment.

Harry merely tapped his fingers on the table to pass the time, this was boring, he was getting bored. He was beyond bored, so bored that he had finally had enough and decided to let the guards know that he was bored.

"I'm bored" He said to the guards who both jumped as if he just cast a killing curse

"W...what do you expect us to do about it?" One auror asked, trying to keep a brave face

"I don't know" Harry shrugged "put some music on, talk, get us some food, try to kill me if you must but do something"

"'ll just have to wait a few more minutes" The other auror said

"Fine but if I get bored enough that I decide to escape then that's on you" Harry sighed, while taking a rather sadistic joy at their scared faces, though he made sure that internal laughter was the only laughter he would currently use.

"Let's begin" The interrogator said as he entered the room "I am Jeffery Browncase" Jeffery sat down opposite Harry "we're just going to wait for your lawyer to get her here then we'll start, in the meantime I was hoping I could ask you some questions, you can refuse to answer if you don't feel like answering"

"If I don't feel like doing something then I will refuse, regardless if I have permission" Harry replied

"Yes, I suppose you will" Jeffery smirked "now, Mr Potter, I hope you realise how serious this case is. You are charged, not only with attacking and killing aurors but also kidnapping Bellatrix Lestrange which could also turn into a charge of aiding a known criminal depending on what you've done to her"

"What I've done to her?" Harry repeated "What do you think I've done to her?"

"Mr Potter, I'm the one who's supposed to be asking the questions here" Jeffery reminded him

"If I was one to follow rules then I wouldn't currently be in an interrogation room, would I?"

"No" Jeffery sighed "I suppose that's true. But I hope you understand that the more you work with me, the easier it will all be for you"

"Nothing in life is, I sounded pretty emo then" Harry shook his head as if to get rid of cobwebs "Now listen up Mr Browncost"

"Browncase" Jeffery corrected him

"Browncock, whatever" Harry said dismissively "the point I was about to make was I am exactly where I want to be"

"Is that right?" Jeffery raised an eyebrow

"If I wanted to escape, do you really think you, two aurors and a pair of magical suppression handcuffs could stop me?" Harry asked

"You assume that's all we have"

"Oh, I know it's not" Harry leaned back in the chair with a smile on his face "I also know that you have twenty aurors waiting outside this room for your signal"

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