Chapter 14 - Duelling club, Polyjuice

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Rumours about the heir of Slytherin spread around the school, everyone could hear Malfoy boasting about how all the muggleborns were going to be dealt with. The muggleborn students had begun going to places in groups, never leaving the each other alone.

The only other noticeable rumour was Adrian Potter trying to get on the Gryffindor team as seeker but Oliver Wood refusing to let him replace their current seeker. Something that Harry could respect, talent over popularity.

One thing that Harry and Daphne were looking forward to was the duelling club that had just been formed, Rose accompanied them but it was clear that she wasn't anywhere near as enthusiastic as the two.

They entered the duelling room, in the centre was a big stage for the duels to take place. The Gryffindor's were on one side with the Hufflepuffs while the Slytherin's stood on the other side with the Ravenclaws

"Gather around" A voice called

"Oh" Harry groaned and whispered to Daphne "of all the people, why him?"

"Can everyone see me?" Lockhart asked as he walked on stage "Can everyone hear me? That's good, after recent events, Dumbledore has permitted me to start this duelling club. With me today, is my assistant, Professor Snape." Everyone watched as Snape seemed to rise from the other end of the stage. The two made their way towards each other.

"Snape looks pissed" Harry noticed

"He always looked pissed" Daphne reminded him

"Yeah but he has a 'I don't want to be here' look" Harry gestured to Snape who did look like he wanted to be somewhere else

"Do not fear" Lockhart said with a smile "you'll have your potions master when I'm through with him"

"Yeah, now he is definitely pissed" Daphne sighed

Lockhart and Snape stopped in the middle, they brought their wands up in front of their faces, they nodded to each other before returning their arms to their sides. They turned around, and walked away from each other.

Suddenly they stopped, both turned and took their duelling stances. Lockhart had a smile on his face while Snape looked at him with an emotionless face.

"One" Lockhart began counting down "two….three"

"Expelliarmus!" A blast fired from Snape's wand, hitting Lockhart in the chest.

Lockhart flew back as his wand flew out of his hand, many laughed as the 'legendary Lockhart' landed on his back. The fan girls didn't but the rest did, Snape himself had barley hid a smirk.

"Well done Professor Snape" Lockhart got to his feet, and made his way over to Snape "an excellent idea to show them that, though it was pretty obvious what you were going to do and if I wanted to then I could've easily stopped you."

"Perhaps" Snape said with barley supressed rage "it would be prudent to teach them how to block unfriendly spells"

"Ah yes" Lockhart looked surprised but quickly composed himself "how about a volunteer pair? Uh, Adrian Potter and Weasley"

"Weasleys wand causes chaos with even the simplest spells" Snape interrupted "we'd be sending what's left of Potter to the hospital wing in a match box. Perhaps someone from my house?" Malfoy pulled his collar and smirked, he pulled his wand out and was getting ready to step up on the stage.

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