Chapter 24 - Start of fourth year, goblet of fire,

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In the Gryffindor common room that night Adrian was sat with the other members of the golden trio. He was feeling very uncomfortable, probably because Ron was looking at him like he was sick whilst Hermione was looking at him like she wanted to cut him up and dissect him.

"Adrian, what's going on with you?" Hermione asked, even though it was clear she was pretty much demanding he told her.

"What do you mean?" Adrian asked

"You've been acting different ever since you stayed with the Potters" Hermione replied "Ron said you even willingly missed the world cup. You love quidditch!"

"Yeah, but I love my mother and father more" Adrian replied "I had fun that night. We stayed up late, we ate whatever we wanted and we played games and told stories! It was brilliant!"

"It can't have been better than the quidditch world cup" Ron said "plus there's how you've been acting with that slimy snake"

"Ron, you call every Slytherin a 'slimy snake', which one are you talking about?"

"Your brother, obviously" Ron replied "you've been spending a lot of time with that prat this summer"

"We've gotten over our differences" Adrian responded "I mean, yeah I thought he was a prat before but now he seems alright. He is really nice if you get him to like you, did you know that he's started teaching me a little bit about wizarding politics and customs?"

"What?!" Hermione exclaimed, horrified that Adrian could learn something that she couldn't.

"Yeah, so far I've only really learnt a little bit, like the differences between house statuses and titles."

"He's turning you into a Slytherin!" Ron said with an alarmed face "He's going to get you to start hating muggleborns and everything"

"Yeah right" Adrian scoffed "you're telling me that Harry 'I love my mother and will kill you if you insult her' Potter would get me to hate muggleborns when mum is one?"

"I'm guessing Harry really cares for your mother then" Hermione said

"Cares for her?" Adrian snorted "He bloody worships her, probably kill for her if she asked him to. But that's not the point, Harry has…actually started being nice to me since mum and dad woke up. He said he wanted to get along for their sakes but…I think we might actually be starting to get along as brothers as well"

"But that doesn't explain why you're acting so different. First you switch divination, you're happily talking with Harry, Rose and that Greengrass girl, you missed the quidditch world cup and you're actually looking forward to studying and training with him"

"What can I say? He just put some things in perspective for me and I've looked back on how I used to behave and I realised that he was right. I used to be such a prat, always talking about being the boy-who-lived. It's funny now that I think about it, Harry also lived. So did my parents, and here I am talking like I'm the only survivor and acting like I did it on pure willpower and strength"

"But Adrian you're still completely different, you're…"

"Oh, give it a rest Hermione" Adrian sighed "honestly, you're like a….oh, what's the phrase?"

"A dog with a bone" A voice said from behind Adrian

"Thank you" Adrian replied "you're like a dog with a bone when you want to know something and….Harry?! What the fuck?!" Many of the common room looked in surprise when they noticed the unofficial prince of Slytherin standing in their dorm

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