Chapter 11 - End of first year

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"Alright Daphne" Harry said to Daphne in the common room, he had placed a few privacy charms so they could speak without being heard or bothered "the boy's name was Ryan"

"Okay, now tell me why the two of you started trading punches in the great hall" Daphne replied

"Me and him used to spar a lot" Harry answered "and admittedly they got out of hand. But we really do care for each other, I don't care that he's a squib, he was my best friend before I came to Hogwarts"

"Before you came to Hogwarts?" Daphne asked

"Yes, your my best friend now"

"Oh no, flattery will not get you out of this Potter" Daphne said, even though she looked very amused "what happened after?"

"We talked, it turns out that Lord Flight is a bit sick and he doesn't have that long to live. He just wanted to talk to me"

"Oh, I'm sorry" Daphne said in a sympathetic voice

"It's fine" Harry reassured her "he's been sick for a while and we were all prepared for him to go eventually. But good news, Ryan found some long lost family, apparently he has a sister who was willing to take him in"

"That's nice, what would have happened if he didn't get taken in by her?"

"Either he gets taken in by someone else or he lives on the streets" Harry removed the privacy charms "look Daph, I've had a bit of a long day, can we drop it for now?" Before Daphne could say anything Draco Malfoy swaggered over.

"Potter" He drawled "it's a shame to see that you have nothing better to do than brawl with squibs like a common muggle"

"Would you like me to brawl with you instead?" Harry threatened "last time didn't work out so good for you and you had the apes with you then"

"You don't scare me" Malfoy sneered "I'm a great wizard. You're nothing but a filthy half-blood who has nothing better to do than play with squibs"

"Tell me Malfoy" Harry spoke slowly "would you prefer me to break your bones magically or the muggle way?"

"Shut it Malfoy" Daphne interrupted before Draco could say anything "Harry's twice the man you are"

"No, he's not!" Draco disagreed

"Yes he is" Daphne argued "you can't go anywhere without Crabbe and Goyle, while Harry fought three of you singlehandedly and he fought that 'squib'. In fact, if that squib was here then I would bet that he'd be able to knock you to the ground before you'd be able to fire off a spell"

"Listen Greengrass"

"Listen Malfoy" Harry said "just shut the hell up"

"Who do you think you are?!" Draco demanded

"What kind of stupid question is that? I am who I am and I am who I was and I am who I will always be"

"That's no answer!"

"What other answer is there?" Harry asked with a roll of his eyes

"Harry Potter" Draco answered

"If you know the answer then why are you asking me?" Harry questioned the now red boy, who just growled and stormed off.

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