Chapter 27 - Second task, family day, third task

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"Why have you summoned me?" Snape said as he arrived in the hospital wing, he was greeted with the sight of Madam Pomfrey tearing Albus Dumbledore a new one with Minerva McGonagall waiting to be tagged in.

"Of all the stupidest things I've ever heard!" Pomfrey shouted before turning to Snape "I was hoping you could make some more balm as I've wasted the last on the headmaster"

"What happened?" Snape said as he finally took notice of Dumbledore's clothes, at first he thought he was wearing some horrible green robes but it was now clear that he wasn't "Dumbledore, why are you dressed as Peter Pan?"

"Peter Pan?" Dumbledore asked

"A fictional muggle character" Snape explained "while I'm asking questions, why are you in the hospital wing?"

"The old fool jumped from the top of his stair case with the hope of flying!" McGonagall exclaimed "He's claiming that he flew with the help of fairy dust!"

"Fairy…dust?" Snape repeated slowly, using all of his will power and occlumency training to stop the smile that was about to appear on his face

"Yes, Mr Potter told me that it was what he used to fly in the first task" Dumbledore replied "he told me to use fairy dust and happy thoughts"

"Dumbledore" Snape spoke, not even bothering to hide his amusement anymore "do you know anything about Peter Pan?"


"Peter Pan was a boy who never wanted to grow up, coincidentally, he was also able to fly thanks to fairy dust and happy thoughts" Snape put extra effort into making the last few words as long as possible.

"T…that m…means?"

"He played you like a fiddle" McGonagall cut him off "I will punish him later"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Snape said

"Why not?"

"Because that is essentially admitting that the headmaster was tricked by a fourteen year old boy into thinking he could fly. What that is basically saying is we're a bunch of idiots, so to punish him is to embarrass us. It's quite a brilliant plan, very Slytherin. In fact, a hundred points to Slytherin" Snape turned and walked off, leaving three stunned people.

He had just got into his room when he burst out loud into uncontrollable, it was only ten minutes later when he would see the photo where he could actually see it happen and he burst into laughter once again.

Meanwhile, in Grimmauld Place the Potters and friends were alone, seeing as the Weasleys had returned home and thank god they had because they would've thought they were looking insane with the amount of laughter coming from them.

Sirius had laughed so hard that he had turned into a dog, James was on the floor and clutching his side, while Remus kept his hands clutched around his mouth. Lily was laughing harder than she had ever laughed, she slapped the table repeatedly with her one free hand as the other held onto the picture of Dumbledore falling on to his desk while dressed as Peter Pan.

What made it better was the fact that Harry had signed it 'The last idiot who thought it was a good idea to go against a Potter'.

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