Chapter 37 - Talk with Dumbledore, another flashback

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"Hello Adrian" Dumbledore said as Adrian and Hermione entered "please take a seat"

"Okay" Adrian nodded and sat down

"Miss Granger, thank you for your assistance, you may leave now"

"You're welcome sir" Hermione smiled and left while Adrian just shook his head slightly at how much of a suck up Hermione could be.

"How are you Adrian?" Dumbledore asked

"I'm good" Adrian shrugged

"That's lovely" Dumbledore gave Adrian a kind smile "would you like some lemon drops?"

"No thanks sir" Adrian politely refused "if you don't mind me asking, why have I been called up here? I'm not in trouble am I?"

"No, of course not" Dumbledore shook his head "I just wanted to ask you a few questions about your brother"

"Harry?" Adrian asked "You called me up here to talk about Harry?"

"Yes, you see, I'm worried about your brother, I believe that he is hiding some things from me"

"Like what?"

"For example, how he has come to be so powerful." Dumbledore answered "There is also how he knows things he shouldn't, such as Voldemort's history" Also the prophecy, Dumbledore's past and other things that Dumbledore was not comfortable with Harry knowing.

"Have you tried asking him how he knows?" Adrian asked

"Sadly, I don't not believe that he is willing to tell me. I was wondering if you knew?"

"Not really, I don't know much about Harry's past and you probably know all that I do know" Adrian replied

"That is not my only concern" Dumbledore replied "I believe that without our help, Harry will surely never join us in the light"

"What do you mean?"

"Adrian, are you aware of your brothers recent actions?"

"You mean Bellatrix?" Adrian asked and Dumbledore nodded "Well, I was going to ask him about it but then you called me up here before he could finish giving me an answer and Hermione wasn't going to wait for us to finish our conversation"

"Oh" Dumbledore's mouth opened slightly, damn his timing and damn his idea of choosing Miss Granger. He chose her to fetch him as he believed Ronald Weasley was more likely to end up fighting one of the Potter brothers than he was to actually complete the task.

"All I know is he had some reason for it and I'm not planning to judge him for it until I hear his side" Adrian said

"That's very loyal of you" Dumbledore replied "but I should warn you, you're brother tends to have a habit of executing his enemies."

"I'm aware sir" Adrian replied "it may have escaped your memory but I haven't forgotten him killing Pettigrew or any of the other death eaters in that graveyard"

"Ah yes, that must have been a horrifying experience for you"

"Well yeah, it was" Adrian admitted "knowing that I was going to get killed if it wasn't for Harry being there. He didn't just save himself, he saved me and I can't thank him enough for that."

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