Chapter 49 - Battle between brothers

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Red stood in a the middle of an abandoned warehouse, he looked around, fond memories of his time here flooded his mind. He looked at the chains that dangled from the ceiling, the walkways that were above him, the dust in corners, the big doors with the worn paint. The windows up above, a few of them had been broken since he last came here. The last time he was here...better not to think about it. He knew he only had one thing to do right now, kill Potter.

The words ringed in his head, over and over. 'Kill Potter, kill him, kill Potter'. Despite his best efforts the words kept repeating, though, he never understood why he was so determined to kill Har...Potter. He was Red's friend, wasn't he? His brother? No, no, NO! Kill. Kill. Kill Potter.

"Hi Red" A voice called out, Red snorted, of course he would be here right as he was thinking about him. Red slowly turned around to see Harry Potter standing in front of him. He wore his 'consequence' clothes but had the hood down and the bandanna in his hand. "How are you doing?"

"I've been better" Red shrugged as he lowered his hood and removed his bandanna to reveal his face. His face was much like Harry's, skinny but gave off the impression that he could fit right into high pureblood society with the right clothes. His hair was like his fathers, at least the same as when his father used to have hair "how bout you?"

"Same" Harry shrugged "though I have my parents back now, along with a very hot girlfriend, so definite improvement from before."

"By the way, Rose" Red spoke "she was out on a date with a boy"

"Ah yes, Nott" Harry nodded

"As in son of the Nott that hangs out with my father?"

"The very same" Harry answered

"And you're fine with Rose hanging out with him?"

"There are other people I'd prefer her to chose but she likes him so who am I to keep her from being happy?"

"You did at least threaten him right?" Red raised an eyebrow

"Of course I did" Harry snorted "Nott treats her right for many reasons, one of which is the knowledge that I will rip his legs out of his body and beat him to death if he does otherwise"

"Good, because I was worried you had gone soft" Red smiled

"I have a girlfriend that makes that ridiculously difficult" Harry gave him a goofy smile

"Nice to know that you're still a perv" Red let out a little chuckle

"Now you say 'perv', I say 'appreciative of the brilliance that comes with females'"

"Harry, a dog would still be a dog even if you called him a bird" Red replied

"Oh, that was smart. I'm impressed, you've gained a few brain cells" Harry responded

"I've always had brains" Red smirked "I just dumbed down to make you feel smart"

"Yeah, yeah jackass. Just remember which one of us did the planning for all our operations" Harry shook his head in amusement

"Ah, those were the good old days" Red said

"Yep" Harry agreed "it was just you, me and the rest of our group against the world. Robbed from the rich, give to the poor"

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