Chapter 10 - The Flight

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Adrian was in Dumbledore's office, he had eaten the offered lemon drop and began telling Dumbledore about what had just happened.

"Then he flashes this bright light from his wand and disappears!" Adrian neared the end of his story "Hagrid fires a shot but it misses him and hits a random tree!"

"Hmm" Dumbledore frowned "this man, he had yellow eyes?"

"Yes sir"

"You're absolutely certain?"

"Definitely" Adrian replied "he had yellow eyes, a black bandanna and he had a black hood over his head"

"Did you say a black hood?" Dumbledore interrupted

"Yes sir, is that important?"

"No, or at least I do not believe so" Dumbledore noticed that the man he saw matched the description perfectly, apart from the colour of the hood. But it didn't really matter that much, it made sense for a person to not wear the same thing all the time, it's why he wore his purple robes today instead of his blue ones. "Did the man say anything of importance to you?"

"No" Adrian shook his head "at least I don't think so" Dumbledore looked into Aiden's mind and quickly viewed the encounter

"Hmm, very well" Dumbledore said once he had left the boy's mind "I must say, you were very brave in the way that you handled the situation"

"Thank you sir!" Adrian beamed

"You're most welcome" Dumbledore chuckled "now, I'm sure you have other things to do. Feel free to come back and talk to me if you feel you need to do so"

"Yes sir" Adrian took the intended dismissal and left.

Dumbledore wondered about this masked man, he was a new element and had to be considered. Dumbledore didn't know much about him, except for five things. His general appearance, he's a magic user, he likes to use hand to hand combat, he's attacked Quirrell twice and he likely knows about Quirrell working for Voldemort.

Dumbledore knew that Quirrell was working for Voldemort, he was quite amused by the fact that Quirrell of all people thought he could pull one over on the great Albus Dumbledore. He allowed Quirrell to stay because he wanted to confirm for sure that Voldemort had returned, plus he wanted to challenge Adrian and see the boy's potential.

This new person could be dangerous to his plans and he didn't like that, he needed to work out who it was. The muggle clothing meant a connection to the muggle world so that ruled out a lot of students, he was also someone who likely knew hand to hand combat. Harry Potter was the first name that came into his head thanks to his recent confrontation with Malfoy but the boy was too young and small, he began compiling a list of students from fifth to seventh year. He'd have to look into them and see if any of them had a history involving muggle fighting.

Adrian was walking down the corridor, he didn't really have a lesson so he decided to go back to the common room and challenge Ron to another chess match. He had some homework but he'd just get Hermione to do it or him, homework was boring after all and not worth his time.

He was brought out of his thoughts when a hand grabbed him by the back of his collar and violently pulled him, Adrian was taken so fast that he barley registered what happened before he was pulled into an abandoned classroom.

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