Chapter 44 - Trial part 3

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"Such a shame" Harry shook his head sadly "I really didn't want to kill him. But, between me and him..." Harry trailed off before shaking his head "it's a shame really, I don't enjoy taking lives"

"You what?!" Dumbledore blurted out as he looked at the mass murderer in front of him

"Correction, I don't enjoy taking innocent lives" Harry amended "I feel sorry for that bird. I didn't go out with the intention of killing him but it had to be done"

"And why exactly did it have to be done?"

"I needed him for a ritual, either had to be with a willing creature or a dead one." Harry explained "I would've preferred it willing and if it didn't try to attack me then I would've probably searched for another bird"

"Why are you showing me this?" A confused Dumbledore asked, not understanding what Harry was hoping to achieve

"Because I want you to understand" Harry explained "to understand why I do what I do, you need to understand why I am what I am"

"But I..."

"All in good time" Harry interrupted with a sickly sweet smile that would've made Dolores Umbridge proud, it didn't help that Harry felt a bit dirt after though "anyway, I did the ritual and I gained quite a few things from the ritual"

"What was the ritual?" Dumbledore asked, curiously

"Can't say" Harry shrugged "don't really want to but I couldn't even if I wanted to. Unbreakable vows and all that. Either way, I gained quite a lot from it. Superior strength, flight, amongst other things. A few days later I was back in the streets, I had eventually got use to the changes of the ritual and learnt how to control myself so I don't kill every single muggle I punch. I participated in another street fight and made enough money to last me for a week. One day after another fight, I heard a rumour of an underground children's fighting ring. That seemed all types of illegal, the problem was it wasn't my type of illegal so I had to investigate"

"Where is it?" Harry asked, he was in an adult body, he had his hood up and used a charm to cover his face with a shadow. He had also turned his hair brown and his eyes blue just in case the charm failed. Currently he was on a rooftop with a muggle in his thirties, who was being less than cooperative. The muggle pulled out a gun and aimed it at Harry.

"Look man, just let me go!" The muggle demanded

"Where is the children's fighting ring?"

"What's it to you? You want to make a bet or something?"

"Speak or get ready to be thrown over the edge" Harry said in a bored tone

"I have a gun!"

"I have no concerns over killing you" Harry calmly replied "last chance, tell me where it is or I will find out another way"

"Screw you!" The muggle shouted, his finger was about to pull on the trigger. Harry quickly rushed forward and pushed the man's gun hand to the side by grabbing his wrist, a shot fired and hit the floor. Harry took advantage of his superhuman strength and squeezed, causing the muggle to yelp out in pain. He dropped to his knees and his grip on the gun loosened enough for Harry to grab it with his other hand and pluck it out of the man's grip.

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