Chapter 20 - Interrogation, Kreatcher

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Harry found himself sitting in an interrogation room, the walls ceiling and floor were all a very boring grey, he sat with his hands handcuffed to the table in front of him, on his right was a giant window, he couldn't see out of it.

On the other side of the window sat four people, Amelia Bones the head of magical law enforcement, Minister Fudge the minister of magic, his assistant Dolores Umbridge and Albus Dumbledore. All four looked out of the window at Harry.

"Amelia, I've heard that the boy claims that Sirius Black is innocent" Fudge said to Amelia

"He does and he might be" Amelia responded "the boy brought us Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew"

"But Peter Pettigrew is dead!"

"Our tests say otherwise" Amelia calmly responded "he had delivered us the real Peter Pettigrew."

"But Mr Black still killed those thirteen muggles" Umbridge reminded her, truthfully she didn't really care about the muggles.

"How can we be sure?" Amelia asked "If Black didn't kill Pettigrew then how do we know he actually killed those muggles? I intend to find out"

"What of the boy?" Fudge asked, wiping his forehead with a handkerchief. He hoped that he didn't look bad at the end of this.

"We still don't know how he knew Black was innocent or how he knew that Pettigrew was an animagus who had disguised himself as a rat all these years" Amelia informed the sweating minister "Dumbledore, I've noticed that you are being particularly quiet"

"My apologies Amelia, I'm simply thinking" Dumbledore replied "Mr Potter is a mystery, even to me. The boy is a Slytherin, cunning and intelligent, but he is also incredibly dangerous"

"Dangerous?" Umbridge snorted "He's a child"

"Yes, one who has won two Japanese war duels in a row" Amelia replied

"Japanese war duels? What the devil are those?" A confused Fudge asked

"The Japanese war duels are an event held in Japan" Dumbledore began explaining "the rules of the duel are simple, seeing as there is only one rule. No interference from non-competitors, in the duel any and all manner of spells and weapons are allowed including the unforgivables. I attended the last one myself, I saw multiple people try to strike Mr Potter with the unforgivable cures including the killing curse. I also remember one girl attempted to remove his head with a sword."

"A sword?" Amelia asked

"Yes" Dumbledore nodded "Mr Potter is not only an exceptionally strong wizard, he is also a brilliant martial artist"

"Martial artist?" Umbridge asked

"It's a muggle form of combat, as far as I understand it" Dumbledore replied, Umbridge made a face at the mere mention of muggles.

The door inside the interrogation room opened and Harry's interrogator came in, he sat down opposite Harry. He steeled his fingers together and looked at Harry with a piercing gaze. He looked at Harry as if he was a stupid child.

"Do you know who I am?" The man asked

"I'm hoping you work somewhere in the food department because I would kill for a sandwich right now" Harry joked

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