Chapter 34 - Order meeting, killing death eater

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Dumbledore arrived at the order meeting in Grimmauld Place, wondering how he should proceed with current events. Harry Potter, who apparently was the boy-who-lived, already knew about the prophecy and seemed to have known about it for years.

He didn't like that, he would've preferred having control over how much Harry knew so he could guide him according to his own plans. In his defence he only found out that Harry was the real boy-who-lived recently, didn't make him feel any better though. In fact it made him feel worse, he had made a mistake and focused on the wrong boy, he felt like an idiot.

Another thing he didn't like was the fact that Harry was hiding things from him, such as how he had become so good at magic or how he knew about the prophecy or how he had so much power. Dumbledore remembered seeing Harry transform in the graveyard, it was a horrible sight, he would need to find a way to stop Harry from using that form again. It was not fitting for a champion of the light, another cause for concern was Harry's calm use of dark spells, including the unforgivables and dark magic. Albus had planned for the boy-who-lived to be his successor, he couldn't have a dark wizard carry on the Dumbledore name.

The list just grew as he remembered Harry mentioning his sister, referencing that incident with Grindelwald, himself and his brother. That just confirmed to Dumbledore that Harry knew more than he was revealing. He was keeping information from him! Albus Dumbledore, leader of the light!

It didn't help that Harry didn't seem too fond of him, how was he supposed to guide the boy if Harry wasn't willing to listen to him? No matter how much Dumbledore wanted to ignore it, it was obvious that Harry hated him, that was obviously bad. He needed Harry to work with him, how could he convince the boy to move past whatever reasons he had for hating him?

"Are we all here?" Dumbledore asked as he sat down, after receiving an affirmative from the others he started the meeting "firstly, I have received a letter from Hagrid, currently the negotiation with the giants are going well. Do we have any news from the goblins?"

"As of the moment, they are keeping out of it" Arthur Weasley said "or at least that's what I got from Bill's letter. I think they are staying neutral as they do not like you-know-who but they have no love for us either"

"Of course they don't" Harry appeared from a corner, shocking everyone "Goblins are discriminated against by all wizards, what does it matter to them if you're light or not?"

"Mr Potter? What are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked

"Attending an order meeting" Harry walked over and kissed his mum on the cheek "you know, those meetings that you agreed to allow me to attend"

"You should be at school, how did you get here?"

"I escaped, it's not that hard you know" Harry shrugged as he waved a wand and made himself a chair which he sat on "especially when I have the toad avoiding me"

"Toad?" Tonks asked

"Umbridge" Harry replied

"Oh" Several members lit up with realisation

"Mr Potter, you are not permitted to leave school whenever you like" Dumbledore reminded him

"And you're not allowed to form illegal vigilante groups" Harry shot back "so if you decided to punish me for this then I might, coincidentally mention to Umbridge how this little group exists" Many people tensed

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