Chapter 48 - Dealing with a Toad

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"Hi Dumbles" A voice called, just before Dumbledore found himself on his back, Dumbledore groaned as he sat up, only to find Harry Potter standing in front of him

"What do you want now?!" Dumbledore snarled

"You made my brother cry" Harry said before grabbing Dumbledore and tossing him across the cell "that upsets me"

"Look!" Dumbledore growled as he sat up, he knew better than to stand up just to be knocked back down again "Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

"Says the old bastard who cost me years of my life and has been messing with my family before I was even born" Harry replied before aiming his hand at the headmaster and sending a powerful wandless stinging hex at Dumbledore's arm, causing the man to yelp in pain "no, I can't stop yet. You haven't suffered enough"

"You've taken my reputation from me and you're trying to take away my freedom! What more do you want from me?!"

"What more do I want?" Harry repeated, his voice slow and calm with a hint of danger, he knelt down and looked Dumbledore in the eye "I want you to be like me. I want you to experience what I've experienced. When you find yourself being hated, when you survive with barely any food, when you sleep on a cold and hard floor, when the rain keeps you up at night, when you're frightened and alone and waiting to be saved and when you are a step away from deaths doorstep then I will consider stopping. Let me make things perfectly clear to you Dumbledore, until you find yourself locked in a cell next to the filth that you try to redeem, you will remain as my bitch"

"Do not speak to me like that!"

"Ah, is the wickle old headmaster going to cry?" Harry taunted "Then again, you're not the headmaster anymore are you? You're not chief warlock Dumbledore, you're not supreme mugwump Dumbledore, you're not professor Dumbledore either. No, and I hear that they're planning to take away your order of merlin's as well. So what does that leave you as? Oh, I know, nothing. You will exit this world as an unloved, unwanted, old and disgusting, evil bastard who the world hates. All because you just couldn't stop messing and had to fuck with the wrong family, my family. Me thinks you went a little too far, don't you?"

"YOU ARROGANT BRAT!" Dumbledore roared, he leaped at Harry, trying to wrap his hands around the younger boys throat but was stopped when Harry calmly caught him by both of his wrist

"No, no, no Dumbledore" Harry spoke to him as if he was a small child that made a mistake in maths class "I do the hand to hand combat around here" As if to prove his point, Harry pulled Dumbledore and himself up to a standing position and kneed him in the gut, but he didn't leave Dumbledore much time with the pain before he threw him overhead and on his back. Harry let go with his right hand whilst keeping his left hand on Dumbledore's wrist. He knelt down and placed his hand on the area where Dumbledore's ribs where "And this little piggy went..." A shout of pain was heard from Dumbledore after Harry used his superior strength to break a rib.

"Stop! Stop it!" Dumbledore shouted between groans of pain

"Oops, wrong one" Harry said before breaking a different one "Yes! That was the one I was after!"

" H...arry Pot...ter!" Dumbledore just about managed to get out between the pain

"Many have tried you old bastard, many have tried" Harry grinned "now" Harry said as he stood up, while casually slapping Dumbledore's ribs, causing the old headmaster more pain "I have to go for now" Harry removed his wand and threw some healing spells at the headmaster "can't have you complaining. Well, we could but I doubt that anyone would care. To be fair, even if they did, I'd be able get around it. That's what happens when you're smart, have you ever thought about being smart? No, I doubt that you posses the brains required for that, after all you've been outdone by a teenager repeatedly. Must be embarrassing for you"

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