Chapter 50 - Final Battle

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The order members had just arrived in Hogwarts, and began walking down the halls, searching for any injured children or death eaters.

"I don't understand" One member said "why is he attacking now?"

"Simple" Moody replied "Dumbledore's gone and from what I've heard Potter had to take off somewhere, his two biggest problems are out of the way and the rest of us are just minor irritations for him"

"Damn, I hope Potter hurry's back" Kingsley muttered

"Don't worry Shack" Tonks replied "we'll be fine...probably...maybe...po..."

"I get it" Kingsley cut her off

"Up ahead!" Moody barked and raised his wand as they saw two death eaters aim their wands at them. "Wands down! Now!"

"Make us!" The death eaters roared back.

Any further response was cut off by an arrow that struck both their wands out of their hands, the death eaters turned in the direction the arrow came from only for both of them to receive an arrow to the chest. Ryan walked out of a hallway, bow in his hand, dressed in his green jacket but with the hood down and without the bandanna.

"Y'all right?" Ryan asked

"We're good" Kingsley nodded as they lowered their wands

"Listen up" Ryan said "I need you to divide your teams, I don't know what your skills are so I'll let you guys decide amongst yourselves how you're going to do that. I need any of you that are not fighting to help guide the students to the great hall and then protect them from there"

"Why the hell should we listen to you?" One member responded

"Aaargh!" A death eater screamed, Ryan ducked in time to avoid a spell that would've hit him in the head, he placed his right fingers on the bow and an arrow formed. He fired it and struck the death eater in the feet, causing him to the drop to the floor. Another arrow struck the death eater in the head, two more death eaters ran up from behind him. He turned and fired two arrows which pierced their bodies before they could even fire a spell.

"That's why" Ryan turned back to the order "and I need at least one of you to come with me, hurry up and decide"

"I'll go" Tonks volunteered

"Follow me then" Ryan ordered as he walked off, Tonks chased after him

"Well" Moody said "you heard the man, divide up"

"Follow me" Daphne ordered as she lead various students to the great hall

"Oh, we're going to die" Ron kept whispering to himself "we're going to die"

"Someone slap him" Daphne ordered without looking back



"Thank you" Daphne said

"Your welcome" Came the voice of Neville Longbottom

"Why are we following her again?" Zacharias Smith spoke out loud

"One, I'm a prefect" Daphne replied "two, because you don't have anyone else who is taking charge"

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