Chapter 6 - Meeting parents, misinterpretation

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When Harry got back to the common room with Daphne and Tracy, the former still holding onto his arm, they found Draco Malfoy sitting there. When he saw the trio he immediately jumped to his feet.

"Greengrass!" He shouted, attracting the attention of the whole common room "what do you think you're doing?"

"Wondering why I haven't chopped off your tongue yet" Daphne answered

"Don't disrespect me!" Draco demanded "Why are you holding Potters arm?"

"Because I like holding it" Daphne answered with a straight face "it's really strong but feels comfortable in my hands."

"You know my father is making a marriage contract between me and you" Draco replied "you shouldn't be hanging on Potter, I'm your future husband!"

"That's where you're wrong Malfoy, or at least one more thing which you're wrong about, we should probably add it to the list" Daphne replied.

"Tracy" Harry whispered to Tracy "she's gotten sassy, I think I've been a bad influence on her"

"True, but with that being said I am not letting you get away from us two now" Tracy whispered back

"You see Malfoy" Daphne continued "I'm already in a marriage contract with someone else, I just found out earlier today. Right before we went to potions class and Harry punched you in the face, do you remember that?"

"Who?!" Malfoy turned bright red in anger

"That'd be me" Harry spoke up "I only just found out today as well, funny how that works"

"Potter! You stole my girl!" Malfoy shouted

"I don't see your name on her" Harry looked at Daphne "a good thing too, it'd be a shame to taint such perfection with your name"

"Watch it Potter!" Draco warned

"Or what?" Harry scoffed "You can't beat me in a duel, as evidenced by the redness of your face from when I punched you. If you like, we can have another duel thought I should warn you that if we do I will punch a lot harder than last time"

"You think you're so brilliant?!" Malfoy growled "You're just a pathetic loser who shouldn't be in this house"

"Says the boy throwing a tantrum like a five year old" Harry retorted "I see no reason why I can't be in Slytherin house."

"You're a half-blood!" Malfoy shouted

"Slytherin has had many half-bloods over the years" Harry responded "some have even made prefect and head boy"

"You're a Potter, you should be in Gryffindor!"

"The Potters are an ancient and most noble house Malfoy, can you say the same about yours? No, because unlike my family, the only thing that has made your family important was money. Besides, there have been plenty of Potters in Slytherin, though the majority go to Gryffindor, we have had the occasional Slytherin in the family."

"Plus Harry here has acted way more Slytherin than you ever have" Tracy added

"What?! That's preposterous!" Malfoy shouted

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