Chapter 8 - Fight and Quidditch

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Harry was still fairly popular around school after defeating the troll, the Slytherin's looked at him with pride and he was now the unofficial face of Slytherin house. Plenty of rumours were spread about him, some saying he summoned lightning to destroy the troll and even one that said he befriended the troll and it fell as he was escorting it out of the castle.

The teachers had begun giving him respectful looks, Professor Flitwick was particularly interested in talking to Harry. He asked Harry to show the spells he used when fighting the troll, and after Harry had showed them Flitwick had complimented his perfect technique and offered to teach him more spells.

An offer that Harry quickly accepted, Flitwick was a former duelling champion and it would be foolish to refuse to learn from him. The man bounced with excitement at the idea of teaching Harry who had become his favourite charms student.

Harry also soared through his classes, as usual. Much to the annoyance of one Hermione Granger, who for some reason had begun acting like she was Harry's rival while Harry couldn't care one way or another about if she beats him in class. Ronald Weasley still disliked him but he disliked everything that's Slytherin so Harry didn't really care about the redheaded idiot. Harry's brother had chosen to avoid Harry, Harry didn't really seem to mind as it just made his days more peaceful.

Soon it was the night before the Slytherin versus Gryffindor quidditch match, Harry had just come back from one of his extra lessons with Professor Flitwick, Harry noticed that he still had a few minutes until curfew so he had decided that he had better hurry up and get back to the common room.

On his way there he was greeted by an interesting sight, Malfoy along with Crabbe and Goyle stood smiling evilly at Adrian Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry noticed three wands on the floor and realised that they were probably belonging to Adrian and his friends. Crabbe and Goyle cracked their knuckles, while Malfoy stood with his arms crossed and his head held up high.

"So Potter" Malfoy drawled "I'm going to make you suffer, for what your brother has done"

"What? What the hell did Harry do?" A confused Adrian asked

"He stole Daphne Greengrass from me, I can't make Potter pay because he is currently the unofficial face of Slytherin" Draco said in a disgusted voice "god, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait till my father hears about this, half-bloods roaming around like kings, disgusting. But back to you, I cannot hurt your brother so I'm going to hurt you"

"Without your wand?" Adrian pointed out that the boys had put away their wands

"Yes, it's much harder to prove and twice as fun" Draco smirked

"Nicely done" Harry clapped and alerted everyone to his presence, Draco and his goons turned around to look at him "I have to admit it's a good plan, if you don't use magic then they can't prove it's you when they examine your wands. Plus it'll be their word against yours, would work if you weren't dealing with the boy-who-lived, my brother could kill you and Dumbledore would somehow justify it."

"Potter" Malfoy snarled "what are you doing here?"

"I'm standing, what does it look like I'm doing?" Harry said sarcastically before turning to his brother "and you three, you got disarmed by Malfoy and his apes of all people?"

"He took us by surprise" Adrian defended himself and his friends

"Of course he took you by surprise" Harry sighed "he's a Slytherin! A pretty pathetic one that most of the house hates but still a Slytherin, he's not going to directly challenge you, is he?"

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