Chapter 29 - A few reveals, order meetings

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"So Harry" Lily said as the family all sat down "as you can imagine, we have questions"

"Questions like what am I? And am I a muggle hunter?" Harry replied

"Yes" James nodded "now Harry, we'll always love you, no matter what"

"It's true" Lily nodded "but we'd like to know, please Harry"

"In the past" Harry said slowly, taking a big breath "I have hurt and killed muggles, quite a few"

"Why?" Sirius asked, doing his best to control his emotions

"Because I wanted to live" Harry replied "I wanted to live and protect my friends and family"

"What do you mean?" Adrian asked

"After Dumbledork abandoned me at the Dursley's my life went downhill pretty fast. Slaps and shouting were pretty much all I can remember from that time" Harry began explaining "when I was four they decided to take a trip to America, they took me with them. At the time I was naïve and thought that they might have actually started liking me. A few days after we got there, Uncle Vernon stabbed me"

"He what?!" James shouted as the others gasped, tears dripped from Lily's eyes

"Stabbed me" Harry repeated "he was hoping I'd die in America and they could leave the body there and return to England. Unfortunately for him, I survived, that pissed him off. A day or two later we were in a car, he had just stopped off and got out. He came back a few minutes later and started driving. He looked happy, too happy. Around that point I noticed a handle sticking out from his clothes, I realised that it was a gun."

"He…was planning…to shoot you?" Lily trembled "But what about…my sister…and…"

"Your sister was complaining about the price of it" Harry interrupted "not the fact that he had one. In her words she said 'you'd better get rid of that once we're free of this freakishness', didn't take a genius to work out she meant me.

I had had enough and decided that now was a good time to escape, I was angry at the fact that no matter what I did they would always hate me and the fact that they actually wanted to kill me. I saw Uncle Vernon reach for his gun, probably to show Dudley but I wasn't going to risk it. I fired a killing curse at him, nicer than he deserved in my opinion, he died.

What I had forgotten to consider at the time was how fast he was driving, the car didn't slow down and kept going. I got out of the car, the others weren't so lucky. The car crashed, and the three Dursley's died thanks to one killing curse"

"Harry!" Lily wiped her eyes as she came over and pulled him into a hug, "you brave, brave boy" She kissed him on the forehead.

Adrian couldn't help but look at his brother with a newfound respect, Adrian recalled his attention seeking days and if he was in Harry's position where he saw his brother going on about how much better he was than everyone else then he would've probably killed him.

"Wait" Remus said "how were you capable of casting the killing curse at four? How did you even know what it was and how did you do it without a wand?"

"Well" Harry said hesitantly "when I…ah, sorry kids but looks like we'll have to finish this conversation another time" Before anyone could reply the fireplace flared and Dumbledore entered the room. Everyone quickly looked at Harry, trying to work out how he knew Dumbledore was coming.

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