Chapter 5 - Assigning proxies, punching Malfoy and two girls

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Dumbledore entered the next Wizengamot meeting; he took his seat as chief warlock. Other noticeable people were there, Greengrass, Longbottom, Bones, the minister of magic, and a few others.

"I call this meeting into session" Dumbledore spoke "before the meeting starts is there anything that needs to be brought to attention?"

"Chief Warlock" Augusta Longbottom raised her hand

"Yes Lady Longbottom?"

"Thank you chief Warlock" Augusta Longbottom stood up "I have a young lord who had asked for my assistance, he's here today and would like to make a statement"

The doors opened, and in walked Harry Potter, looking every bit the young lord. He wore expensive looking robes with red trimmings, his posture demanded respect and the only thing he hadn't managed to do was tame his hair.

"Mr Potter" Dumbledore spoke "what are you doing here? You should be at school"

"It has come to my attention that I needed to be here" Harry replied "you see my mother and father are in a coma and I need to fulfil my duty as they cannot. I would like to assign a proxy for the Potter family"

"Mr Potter" Dumbledore spoke in his signature grandfatherly voice "I appreciate your concerns but there is really no need for this..."

"I disagree" Harry interrupted "because it turns out that you've been using the Potter votes without the consent of me or my parents" The crowd began whispering

"Hadrian" Dumbledore tried to quickly salvage the situation "I have been permitted to use them by you parents"

"Verbally?" Harry asked

"Yes" Dumbledore nodded

"Well I'm sorry sir but that's not enough for me, I'd like written proof"

"Is my word not enough?" Dumbledore plastered a hurt look on his face, obviously going for some sympathy

"I don't know you well enough to completely trust your word" Harry responded and the whispering grew, they couldn't believe how the young boy was talking and he was doing it to Albus Dumbledore of all people "I would also like to assign a proxy to the Peverell family, which is another family that I'm head of and another family whose votes you have been using"

Dumbledore paled, how did Harry know about the Peverell family? He couldn't believe this, the Potter and Peverell votes were important, he couldn't just lose them. But it turns out that Harry was not done.

"It's also come to my attention that you've been voting on behalf of the Black family, I would like to assign a proxy for that family as well"

"Mr Potter" Dumbledore replied

"Heir Potter" Harry interrupted "I am Heir Potter"

"Heir Potter" Dumbledore amended "you cannot assign a proxy for the Black family"

"I think you'll find I can" Harry said in a confident voice "you see the current lord Black is Sirius Black" Dumbledore paled even more, how did Harry know about Sirius? "and he is currently unable to perform his duties as he is locked in Azkaban, sad, I know. But, the good news is that I'm his godson. And I think you'll find I've been named his heir, so I am well within my right to assign a proxy for the family"

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