Chapter fifteen - Bad first meetings, telling Daphne, Ginny

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Ginny jumped back in horror as she saw the man in front of her. He was wearing black trainers, trousers and gloves and a grey hoodie that had fallen off to reveal some dirty blond hair. There was a black bandanna that was dropped on the floor but Ginny didn't pay as much attention to that as the persons face.

His skin was made up of green scales, his jaw was big and he had two rows of sharp and pointy white teeth, the smallest tooth was at least double the size of a usual tooth. The man's eyes were closed shut, Ginny was afraid to move.

"Uh…are…are you okay?" She asked nervously

"Aaaaahhh!" The man screamed in pain and brought his hands up to his face, Ginny jumped back in surprise and to her feet.

The man stood up, his face covered by his hands, he screamed in pain. Suddenly he stopped and punched the nearby snake statue, to Ginny's shock and horror he had greatly damaged the statue, causing it to crack.

The man brought his hands back up to the side of his head, and began shaking violently. He continued screaming, his body was moving wildly, he slammed his head against the already damaged statue.

The head of the statue broke off and fell down, the man stopped shaking and caught the statue, again to Ginny's shock and horror. He tossed it across the chamber and it landed behind the basilisk body. The man turned around and pressed his hands against the side of his head, his back to Ginny who was too terrified to run.

The man took a few steps forwards, groaning and screaming. Lightning began dancing around his legs and up his body, but it didn't appear to be bothering the man. The man threw his arms out, his head back and screamed to the high heavens.

The fingertips of his gloves were pierced by the sharp long nails that came from the man's hands. He roared in anger and pain, he began making noises that could be described as a combination of pain and laughter. He laughed, laughed and moved wildly. His feet and legs were still but the rest of his body wasn't. His screams echoed as his whole upper body shook violently

It was unnerving to hear the man laugh under the experience of such obvious pain, he brought his arms up and slammed his fists into the ground, causing it to crack from the force and power of the man's fist.

The man let out one last primal scream, he stopped shaking and moving and the lightning dispersed from his body. His jaw became smaller, his teeth shrank down and returned to normal teeth and his skin was no longer green or scaly.

Ginny gasped before covering her mouth, the man's head twitched towards her slightly, showing that he had heard her. The man let out a deep sigh, he slowly got to his feet.

"W…who are you?" Ginny asked fearfully

"Consequence" Consequence answered in his low voice, not looking at her "are you alright?"

"Yeah…it…it wasn't me" Ginny trembled "it was the diary, it made me do it. I didn't want to do it, I tried to tell someone and…and I couldn't. I tried, the diary wouldn't let me"

"I believe you" Consequence replied "don't worry about the diary, I've destroyed it"

"Really?" Ginny asked hopefully

"Yeah, listen up kid" Consequence replied "can you still speak parsletounge?"

"Uh, let me try" Ginny responded "am I speaking parsletounge now?"

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