Chapter 46 - Dumble in jail

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"Hi Dumbles!" A cheery voice brought Dumbledore out of his sleep, he looked up to see the bright green eyes of Harry Potter looking down on him. He was about to respond when he found himself thrown across the cell and landing harshly on the floor. "How are we today?" Harry asked with a grin

"Guards!" Dumbledore screamed out for help.

"Don't bother, the guards won't hear you" Harry said, cutting off another scream "I've made sure of that"

"You killed them?!"

"I...What? No! I used a silencing charm and notice-me not spells" Harry responded, looking offended at the accusation "I don't kill innocent people Dumbledore."

"What...what do you want?!" Dumbledore tried standing up, only to be kicked back down by Harry who acted like nothing had just happened

"Well Dumbledore, I wanted to ask you something, why did you do it? You abandoned me to hell, you used an unforgivable on my godfather, you've lied and manipulated everyone like chess pieces? Why did you do it?"

"I did it for the same reason I do everything! For the greater good of Wizard kind!" Dumbledore snarled

"Greater good?" Harry let out a humourless laugh "The greater good would have had you raising me and my brother and teaching us every type of magic you could, we could have been the best warriors of the light that you had ever seen with the right training. The greater good would have been you actually trying to remove the horcrux in my head but you didn't do that either. I dread to think what your plan would be if I still had it in my head"

"I don't believe you! There's no way you could have gotten rid of that horcrux"

"Is there not?" Harry asked with an amused expression "You right, it's not like I could've asked the Gringotts goblins to remove it for a fee, it's not like I couldn't have gone to Egypt where the horcrux was rumoured to have been invented and asked someone there, it's not like you couldn't have done some research in the Black family library or any other library belonging to an ancient dark family and tried to find a way to get rid of it."

"Is that how you got rid of it?" Dumbledore asked, disbelief in his eyes

"Me? No, I didn't get rid of it. You see, the horcrux in my head was taken care of by a muggle"


"That's right" Harry laughed at his reaction "A muggle! A muggle did what you, the great Albus Dumbledore, couldn't!"

"But...but how?! Muggles don't even know about magic, let alone horcruxes!"

"This muggle did" Harry replied "well, about magic at least, you may remember a certain moment in my head when you saw my uncle try to stab me. Well, he stabbed me right in the forehead, right where my scar was. You see, the horcrux wasn't located in my brain or in my skull, it was located in a bit of skin in my head. Now, if it was in say an object then I could destroy the object beyond repair but because my own magic was fighting it off, it couldn't become fully part of me so I didn't need to die or be destroyed to remove it. You could've quite literally got rid of it with a cutting charm or a kitchen knife.

My uncle stabbed the knife deep enough into my head that allowed the horcrux to escape through the hole in my head, though the horcrux was connected enough for me to gain Voldemort's memories before it left. That's how I know so much, Voldemort for all of his many faults was a magical genius, he had learnt wandless magic, the magic taught at Hogwarts and other pieces of magic from all around the globe. That's how I was able to cast the killing curse at the age of four, I knew how to"

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