Chapter 12 - Start of second year

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Daphne was eating breakfast with her family, sitting opposite her was Astoria Greengrass, Daphne's little sister. She was blonde like Daphne and had blue eyes as well but she was definitely a lot more energetic and excitable than Daphne.

On Daphne's left sat her mother, Roxanne Greengrass, she also had blonde hair and blue eyes and looked a lot like a super model. She was definitely where Daphne and Astoria got their good looks from, on Daphne's right was her father. Cyrus Greengrass, was a man with black hair and brown eyes, yet he still looked very much like a regal pureblood.

An owl came in through the window, Daphne recognised the snowy owl as Hedwig, Harry's owl. It flew down and dropped a letter next to Daphne's plate.

"Thank you" Daphne handed the owl a piece of bacon before she opened the letter. It was near the end of the summer holidays, as far as Daphne knew Harry had spent the first half in France and now he was in Japan for some tournament.

"Is that from Harry?" Astoria asked, she was very excited to meet Harry. Knowing that your potential brother-in-law had single handily defeated a troll and become the youngest seeker in a century was enough to make Astoria want to get to know him.

"Yes it is" Daphne nodded

"Well, read it out loud" Roxanne said

"Why?" Daphne asked

"Because we want to learn all about young Mr Potter"

"And to make sure he hasn't written anything inappropriate" Cyrus added

"Inappropriate? The boy is eleven" Roxanne pointed out

"Actually he's twelve now" Daphne informed her mother

"And he is the son of James Potter" Cyrus reminded his wife "and he said things at the age of eleven that most people wouldn't say in their final school years"

"Fine" Daphne sighed and she began reading the letter out loud.

'Hi Daph, just in case the owl, my name and my handwriting didn't make it obvious, it's Harry.'

"'Daph'?" Astoria smiled

"Shut up" Daphne said and continued reading.

'I had just got into an argument with some old woman, well, when I say argument I mean she yelled at me in Japanese for about five minutes and it somehow ended with me buying some chicken off of her. Don't know how that happened but it was really good chicken so I don't mind too much'

"That sounds like James Potter" Cyrus commented

"Your boyfriends funny" Astoria said

"Shut up" Daphne repeated

'How's your summer going? Say hi to your family for me, your sister is coming to Hogwarts this year, right? Her name was Astoria if I remember correctly, hope to meet her soon.'

"What've you been telling Harry about me?" Astoria asked

"Not much other than you exist" Daphne replied

'Could you do me a favour and look after Hedwig for a while? I managed to get her back to England with a portkey and I don't want her to fly all the way back to Japan for me. Could you bring her with you when you go to the platform this year? If your parents need payment to let her stay then just say the word and I'll pay, providing the prices are reasonable.'

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