Chapter 45 - Aftermath

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"I do not agree with this!" Fudge hissed "We cannot agree to it! Giving the boy free reign could be devastating for us and..."

"Not, if we add some conditions" Amelia Bones interrupted "for example, a clause to not intentionally cause harm to innocent civilians and a clause that states he will inform the DMLE of all actions taken against the death eaters and Voldemort"

"We can't seriously trust that half-breed!" Umbridge exclaimed

"Dolores" Amelia sighed "he is not a half-breed as far as everyone else is concerned and that has no relevance to the subject at hand. What matters is this, the fact that there's a prophecy that states that only he can defeat Voldemort himself. While I personally don't put much stock in divination, many do and many may end up believing it. The public will demand his freedom!"

"Ah...well..." Fudge paled slightly "but...but Amelia, how could you possibly support this?!"

"Has it ever occurred to you that we have no choice in this matter?" Amelia replied

"What is that supposed to mean?" Umbridge glared at Amelia

"It means that the boy in question has been able to do things we can't even dream of doing. Killing dragons, defeating Voldemort, defeating Dumbledore being able to fire a killing curse at the age of four, being able to kill Thunderbirds and Acrobatula's, being able to produce lighting, knowing mind arts that cause actual physical damage and need I remind you that he escaped from a prison cell, that you said would be able to stop anyone, using nothing but pure magical strength and will power? Who knows what else he is capable of? The dementors barely affect him, our aurors are terrified of him, what do you think will be able to stop him from escaping should we decide to send him to Azkaban?"

"I...I..." Fudge tried really hard, but couldn't think up anything useful "but to let him have free reign?"

"Like I said before, we're not giving him free reign" Amelia sighed with annoyance "we'll put limitations up and should he break them, then we will try to arrest him no matter what."

"I think we should just arrest him now" Umbridge growled

"And how do you imagine that will go with the public?" Amelia glared at the toad, not even bothering to hide her dislike of the 'pink coloured idiot' as she usually referred to Umbridge in her mind, or at least when she was being generous "The boy-who-lived who not only stopped you-know-who in the first war was sent to be tortured by muggles thanks to the supposed 'greatest light wizard of all time' and is the only one capable of stopping Voldemort and now everyone knows how much he has suffered. The public will be behind him, if we go against him then we'll be hated for years after our deaths and be known as the idiots that did nothing but make things more difficult for our saviour!" Amelia took a quick glance around and saw that some people were realising she was right, things looked to be turning into Harry's favour, hopefully it would turn faster so she could get away from these idiots.

Dumbledore found himself in a magical suppression cell, just like the one the minister had tried to put Harry in. Thinking of Harry did not help, the boy had tricked him, played him, masterfully. He thought about the boy's plan and had to admit that he liked it, cause attention then put himself into a position where he could expose him. Dumbledore didn't really know how he was going to bounce back from this, his image was ruined. Everyone was going to find out about this, they weren't going to see him as the leader of the light, in their eyes he would be just another dark lord.

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