Chapter 31 - Flashback, Vampire

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The atmosphere of the trip was sort of ruined by the fact that an arrow had just pierced the window and nearly killed Harry's fiancée. Which was why the rest of the trip was spent in complete silence, Astoria was a bit too shaken up to speak.

Daphne was eyeing the window every few seconds but gave her spot next to Harry up to Rose who cuddled against him like he was a giant teddy bear. Rose sniffed and buried her head into his shoulder while Harry glared at the window.

Harry knew what that arrow meant, it was a warning, Red would strike anytime and anywhere. But from what Harry knew about Red, he knew that Red would want to wait as long as possible so the fear of suddenly getting attacked drives Harry mad.

'Such a shame that Red doesn't know about my new tricks' Harry thought to himself, he had learnt a few knew things since the last time he talked to Red. Sadly that meant that Red could have possibly learnt a few new things as well, he'd have to wing that but luckily he would know if Red tried to sneak up on him.

The only reason he nearly missed the arrow was because he had dropped his guard, like an amateur, well from now on he would be on high alert. But not high enough to be utterly and completely paranoid, no, that would be giving Red a victory in knowing he had affected them.

"W…what if they try to poison our food?" Astoria asked suddenly "I mean…if they can throw arrows then…"

"First of all, you shoot arrows, you don't throw them" Harry sent her a comforting smile "second of all, don't worry, they won't poison you."

"How do you know?" Astoria asked

"It's not their style" Harry answered "the death eaters and Voldemort are too showy to kill you in such a simple way. If they ever wanted to kill you, which I highly doubt they would, then it'll be direct. As for Red, he's not interested in you, he's focused on me. You might as well not exist."

"But what about Daphne and Rose?"

"I'm here to protect them, and they will be protected" Harry reassured her

"Is this 'Red' really such a bad guy?" Astoria asked

"He didn't used to be"

In the cold, dark night, a small group of six children sat in an alleyway. Rain poured down from the heavens upon them, they didn't care, this was just another day for them. They each sat against a wall, two girls and one boy leaned against one wall while two boys were opposite them.

A lot of people walked by, they either didn't see them or just ignored them, something else they were used to.

On one side of the wall you had Ryan, nobody knew his last name, all they knew was he was called Ryan. Ryan wasn't as strong or smart as the rest but he was still pretty smart as strong. Opposite Ryan was a girl called Rose, she had black hair and black eyes. Rose was the heart of the group, the cheery and lovable girl that you couldn't help but love.

Next to Rose was Violet, a pretty girl with beautiful black hair, her beautiful violet eyes were eye catching, the girl could become a model when she's older. Next to them was the green eyed wonder known as Harry Potter, the only one of the group to know their own name.

It was no secret that Harry Potter was the main reason for their survival; they would have long died without him. He was the leader of this little group; he was its provider and protector.

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