Chapter 16 - Lockhart, end of second year

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Harry was glad that Ginny seemed to be doing better, she had made friends with Astoria after Harry had introduced the two. Harry decided to leave the two alone, not because he didn't care, more because he was highly unqualified to deal with emotional people.

He could deal with Rose and Daphne but he knew them, he knew how they ticked. One he knew all his life while he could be with the other one for the rest of it.

Harry was making his way down a hallway when he found Luna, staring dreamily into space. She saw him approaching and gave him a small smile.

"Hello Harry Potter" She said "it's nice to see you again"

"Likewise" Harry responded "Ginny seems to be doing a lot better if you're interested"

"That's nice" Her smile got bigger "how are you and your three friends doing?"

"They're great, the first two are well behaved but the newest member is still a bit wild" Harry answered "by the way, I know how you figured it out"

"The nargles told me"

"Don't lie to me" Harry replied "nargles aren't common outside of brazil and they prefer to stick to muggles, they wouldn't stick around in a place as magical as Hogwarts."

"Fine" Luna sighed "I didn't ask the nargles"

"Mostly because they're not there" Harry responded "you can do it as well, can't you?"

"Yes, not in the same way as you but for as long as I can remember. How about you?"

"Same, now we have a problem."

"Do we?"

"Yes, you know things about me that I don't want anyone else knowing. For all I know you could tell anyone at any moment"

"I won't" Luna said "nobody would believe me"

"Hmm" Harry considered this "true. But I'd like to make you an offer, you don't tell anyone about my secrets and I won't reveal any of yours. Deal?" Harry held out his hand

"Deal" The pale girl shook his hand. "It was nice meeting you Harry Potter"

"You too" Harry nodded and walked away.

Daphne made her way into Lockhart's classroom, Lockhart had called her up for some reason or the other. She left Rose with Astoria and Ginny, then she made her way over. She couldn't imagine what the idiot wanted with her, she still couldn't understand what Dumbledore was doing letting him teach.

She, like Harry, was getting rather sick of the overgrown peacock. He claimed to do the most amazing things yet barley did any actual spells, his last lesson had them re-enacting scenes from his latest book. Good Merlin, she was going to waste in this school.

She made her way into the classroom, where she found the idiot staring at himself in a mirror. He hadn't even noticed her come in, Daphne quickly realised that if she didn't make him aware then she would be standing there all day.

"Professor" Daphne said, Lockhart span around and saw Daphne

"Ah, Miss Greengrass" He smiled those bright white teeth, Daphne was positive that he used magic to make them that bright….or at least found someone competent enough to do it "it's good to see you"

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