Chapter 30 - Afterwards

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"How dare you talk to the headmaster like that?!" 'Howler' Weasley stormed at Harry, expecting her shouting to bother him. It did bother him, he thought it was very annoying.

"I'll talk to him however I bloody damn please" Harry replied "he is a school headmaster with government positions, he is not Merlin. If you love him so much then why don't you go and marry him?"

"You arrogant spoilt brat!"

"Spoilt?!" Lily shouted "You were just told he lived on the streets and you're calling him spoilt?!"

"He's a thief and a murderer!" Mrs Weasley shouted back

"Wow, nice way of avoiding the question" Lily said with levels of sarcasm that Harry had thought only he had ever been able to reach "that doesn't mean that my son doesn't have the right to an opinion. And if he is of the opinion that the headmaster is an idiot then that's up to him, shouting at him won't convince him otherwise"

"You are setting a poor example as a mother!" Molly turned red, she was not used to being told off by anyone, especially someone younger than her. What did Lily Potter know about being a mother anyway? She was Molly Weasley, proud mother of seven, she wasn't about to be told off by a mother of two who hadn't even been in her children's lives. Adrian was fine as Molly was able to make him into a nice young man, it was the other boy that was a bad influence. "You're son's bad attitude is a result of your…"

Mrs Weasley was cut off when a small needle like object clipped her hair and pierced the wall behind her, she stumbled back in shock. Her eyes glanced at the object that was close to coming through her head, it crumbled into dust.

Her head swivelled back and looked towards Harry who had just lowered his arm, he had a 'I am pissed off and desperately trying to control it' look on his face.

"Do not speak to my mother like that again" Harry said in a deathly low voice that would not be out of place in a horror movie "because if you do then the next one will hit you in the jaw, I can't imagine that will feel nice for you. Goodbye" Harry turned and walked out of the room with such speed that even Snape was impressed.

Harry walked upstairs, he went up to the twin's room and knocked on the door.

"Open up" He said

"Alright Harry?" The door creaked open slightly and revealed the head of Fred

"How are you?" George's head popped up

"I know you all heard everything" Harry said "so can we skip the foreplay, I also know that the rest of you are in that room"

"How did he know that?!" Ron's voice came from inside the room. Harry just rolled his eyes and shook his head as the twins opened the door. He walked in and sat down next to Daphne, kissing her on the forehead as he did

"How did you know all that?" Hermione began her rapid-fire questions "How did you know about the prophecy? What did it say? Is it important? How do you know that Red is stronger than Voldemort? How did you know that…"

"Woman" Harry cut her off "one more damn question and I will find the heaviest book in this damn house and slam it against your throat. Now close your eyes, take a breath and shut your mouth. I have a headache and your damn rapid fire questions aren't helping."

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