The one chapter where Cody is trying to live his life in peace BUT

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  Nothing was easy. Cody's learned that pretty early on. Just why did the universe feel the need to prove it to him again and again?

  Boba cried for the entire evening and then most of the night. Echo woke up in the middle of the night, just when Cody finally managed to get Boba to sleep, and woke Cody up to ask if bees could bite and only agreed to go back to sleep when Cody googled the answer. Then he had to cook breakfast, which was normally Bly's job but Bly spent the night with Aayla. Then Rex had an extra class early in the morning, meaning he couldn't walk Fives and Echo to day-care. On top of everything, Fox seemed to be avoiding him for some reason, but maybe that had something to do with the new brother. Fox never liked change.

  "We're having cereal today," Cody announced because he was too tired to actually cook something. "Except for Fox who gets a toast."

  "Why is Fox having toast when we have cereal?" Echo asked because of course Fox's weird food preferences started bothering him just now.

  "Because Fox doesn't like cereal."

  "Why doesn't Fox like cereal?"

  "I don't know," Cody shrugged.

  Echo turned to Fox. "Fox, why don't you like cereal?"

  Fox raised his middle finger at his brother, something so incredibly out of character Cody didn't even scold him, and disappeared to his room.

  "Should I get him?" Wolffe asked.

  "No, he clearly needs some time. I will pack him the toast to go. You all okay on your own for now?" he didn't really wait for an answer as he started preparing a formula for Wooley and a bottle of milk for Boba.

  Boba wasn't asleep but he was quiet for now, obediently sitting in his chair and torturing the toy Cody found him. Wooley was usually quiet, at least for a toddler, so it wasn't that much of a surprise that he was just sitting on the floor drawing.

  "Cody! Cody, look!" Wooley walked over to him to show him his drawing.

  "That's a nice drawing you got there," Cody praised. Wooley drew a lot and his drawings were really good for his age. Cody had nine other brothers to compare with. Not that any of them drew a lot, only maybe Fox and he only ever drew foxes. Wooley was the artist of the family, there was no doubt about that. "Can I put it on the fridge? Yeah? Okay... Look at it. Looks good to you?"

  Wooley giggled at Cody's monologue and let himself be scoped up into Cody's arms. Cody kissed Wooley's fluffy hair gently and Wooley beamed in response. Moments like this made it all worth it.

  Cody went about his day about as well as he could all things considered. He made sure Fox and Wolffe left for school, walked Kix and Jesse to their school and then Fives and Echo to the day-care before he went to work.

  He took Wooley and now Boba with him to work. There were two main reason why he took the job as security guard in a mall. First, it paid well. Second, the mall he was working for granted the employees babysitting for children of any age in the play area.

  It felt wrong to leave Boba when he was just days old. It always felt wrong to leave the babies. But it was either leave them with the babysitters or stop working and stay at home. Cody couldn't afford the later.

  "A baby!" Waxer shouted excitedly as soon as Cody took sleeping Boba out of the pram.

  "I'm glad you are excited to see me," Cody deadpanned. Waxer was an old friend. Originally, he, Waxer and Boil, Waxer's twin, served together in the security. Then Waxer decided he will be happier watching all the little fuckers in the play area and started working there instead.

  Waxer ignored him completely and took Boba from him. "He's so cute."

  "He's loud."

  "That's problem for future me. For now, I got a cute baby," Waxer said as he rocked Boba gently in his arms. "Is it your this time?" he asked because he was a little shit.

  "No. Jango dropped him off yesterday."

  "He's better off with you anyway," Waxer shrugged. "You okay?"

  "Yeah. Nothing new. I will have to call Jongo's lawyer to make my custody over him official. At least Jango picked somewhat of a normal name this time. Boba."

  "I will take good care of him."

  "Of course you will. Wooley got his beauty sleep so he really is a sweetheart today," Cody knelt to hug Wooley and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Enjoy the play time."

  "Bye, Cody," Wooley gave him a hug in return.

  "I will come check on them during the breaks," Cody promised Waxer before he left the play area and actually went to do his job.

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