The one chapter where Wolffe gets some good advice

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  With Cody talking to Fox, Wolffe had nothing to do. Well, he could go play with the kids or do his chores but he wasn't all that enthusiastic about any of that. FOr the lack of a better thing to do, he decided to call Tanya.

"Hey, Wolffe. Let me guess, you forgot what the homework is?"

"No. I mean, yeah, that too. We have homework?"

  "Finish the worksheet we got in math class. Two exersises in the mando'a textbook, I will look which page it is. Yeah, and the art presentation is due on Friday."

  "Yeah. Thanks. That's actually not the reason why I'm calling you."


"Remember how I told you we had a sister?"

"I can assure you that it's pretty hard to forget your two hours of panicking about having a sister."

"That wasn't two hours!"

"No, it wasn't," Tanya agreed. "It was two hours, eight minutes and seven seconds."

"I hate you."

"I know."

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you."

"No shit, Sherlock."

Wolffe didn't really have time to be offended so... "Okay, so, Emerie upset Fox and Fox is upset and Emerie is upset because she upset Fox, or at least I think so, and I think Cody is upset too because both Fox and Emerie are upset."

"Okay... that was a lot of information."

  "Fox also wanted to run away from home."

  "He what?! Isn't he like the perfect child or something?"

  "Well he is. Most of the time, anyway. He's not doing great right now. Something about Emerie throws him off, I guess. He hasn't had seizures this bad since primary school, I think."

  "I thought he liked all your younger siblings that you hate?"

  "I don't hate them!" Wolffe defended himself. "Well, sometimes I do because they are such little shits. Anyway, Fox likes them but he doesn't like Emerie. Granted, she is annoying. But so is Kix or Echo and Fox adores them both."

  "Maybe he has gynophobia."

  "What the actual fuck is that?"

  "Fear of women."

  "How the hell do you even know that?"

  "Just found it on the holo net."

  "There is no way you had the time to type it."

  "I'm fast."

  "Anyway, I don't think that's Fox's case. He isn't even all that afraid of you anymore."

  "Fair point."

  "What do you think I should do?"

  "Uh... I dunno. I would tell you to seek out professional help but I know that you won't do that, so really, no idea. You could always go out and get wasted."

  "You know, that doesn't sound all that bad."

  "That was an example of a bad advice," Tanya deadpanned. "You don't want to end up like your father. Wouldn't exactly help your situation."

  "You've got a point," Wolffe admitted. "So, any actual advice?"

  "I dunno. Your sister and Fox not getting along isn't exactly something you could solve so... just forget about it? I'm not the best at giving advice. You can come over if you want."

  "Do you have any plans?"

  "Not really. We always think of something to do. Actually, I had this brilliant idea recently. If you have Jango's number, we could prank call him into paying child support."

  Wolffe snorted. "Why does this sound like a good idea?"

  "Are you suggesting that all of my ideas aren't absolutely amazing?"

  "Yeah, amazing. Like the one time Fox got a panic attack because we accidentally threw him into the fountain in the mall and Cody grounded me for a week." Wolffe remembered one of Tanya's brilliant ideas that they realized about three years ago. Good old times.

  "That was one time."

  "Well, there was also the time-"

  "Okay, okay, whatever. Now do you want to come over? Literally no one is here, buire are on a mission and my beloved brother is on a school trip. It gets boring sometimes and, you know, blasting music alone isn't as much fun as it once was. I wanted to go to the mission but I would miss way too much school and you know how much I'm looking forward to the math exam."

  "Right, the exam. I kinda forgot about it. I will have to convince Fox to help me."

  "I still don't get how Fox tutors you being two years younger. I mean, okay, you got suspended once but you are still a year his senior."

  "You see, he reads the textbook, actually gets it and then explains it to me. You can join. Well, unless Fox actually leaves and moves to Hoth or something."

  "Isn't Hoth all like uninhabited tundra?"

  "Exactly why Fox would move there of all places. I think Cody will convince him to stay. Eventually. Hopefully. Or I will have to ask Cody to explain math and he doesn't exactly have time for it. I'm gonna fail the exam anyway."

  "You need to be positive."

  "I only get right the things I copy from you. And you suck at math."

  "You've got a point. We can look at it if you come over. Like, I know we are actually not going to do it but it's nice to feel responsible for a second."

  "Sounds like a plan. Do I bring anything?"

  "Bring something to drink. I have enough food to host a galaxy wide party and I don't even have soda. And bring a charger, I can't find mine."

  "Okay. Wanna play something while I wait for Cody to finish talking to Fox?"

  "While I would love to, I think I'm running out of battery. You can play with your new sister, I'm sure she will appreciate it. Also, ask if I can come tomorrow, I gotta meet the Fett girl."

  "No way, you would spoil the innocent little thing."

  "Me? C'mon, I'm a literal angel. Well, safe for the time when-" Wolffe didn't get to hear the end of it as Tanya's phone powered off.

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