The one chapter where Wolffe has a hard time

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  Wolffe didn't think when he ran after Fox. He didn't have to. He would always go after Fox. He might not be great at talking him down like Cody was but he could at least make sure that Fox didn't hurt himself or that anyone didn't hurt him when he was vulnerable like this.

  Him and Fox were always close, even if they were stark opposites. Fox was Cody's darling little boy, an A+ student, the child that Cody liked to show off. Wolffe was the noisy child, the one who got into fights all the time and regularly failed his exams. They worked well together. They could calm each other down, Wolffe helping Fox through his seizures and Fox always having known how to calm Wolffe down if he simply got angry and wanted to bite someone. Fox would also help Wolffe find a way out of trouble and as weird as it is, he would help Wolffe with his school work. Wolffe returned the favor with watching Fox's back. He honestly hoped Fox never finds out how many kids he beat up just so they would leave his little brother alone.

  Right now, Wolffe needed to make sure Fox wasn't going to break his hand beating the wall or something. He was surprised that there weren't any holes in the walls considering how many times something like that happened. He was also surprised that Cody hasn't covered the walls in pillows or something by now.

  If Cody always knocked before entering Fox's room, Wolffe knew better. Well, maybe not better but he had his own way. He didn't knock, it would take Fox minutes to even get an answer out, if he even registered someone was knocking. So, Wolffe opted for simply opening the door.

  Wolffe was actually surprised that Fox hasn't gone violent nor curled into a ball on his bed. He went for his table instead, opening the first drawer with shaky hands. He took out a paper, Wolffe couldn't see what's on it.

  "Fox?" he asked, making his tone quieter than his usually loud speech.

  It took Fox a moment to register his voice and then he stared at Wolffe without recognition for few more seconds. He didn't speak, Wolffe didn't expect him to, but he signed out a shaky 'wolf'. Wolffe never really learned all the signs that Cody practiced with Fox when Fox was little and refused to speak often, but this was one of the signs he recognized. That was Fox addressing him.

  "Fox," Wolffe repeated, signing the word at the same time so Fox could pick which one he could focus on better. "Come here."

  After a while, Fox listened and slowly came closer. Wolffe's hand was itching to just grab his shaking form and haul him into a hug but that would only spook his little brother. So he waited for Fox to approach and then very slowly pulled Fox closer.

  It was as if he broke a spell. The second Fox's body collided with his, Fox went limp in his arms and started sobbing. And what kind of older brother would Wolffe be if he didn't hold Fox through it. He has never been good with talking, much less with comforting someone, so he really couldn't do much more than to hold Fox. He just hoped that it was enough.

  Wolffe didn't know for how long has Fox been crying in his arms. If he was to be honest, listening to someone sob was pretty boring. He zoned off after a while. Cody would probably kill him for it but it wasn't like Fox was in a state to notice.

  Wolffe still noticed the exact moment when Fox's sobs calmed down and Fox's head grew heavy on his shoulder. Poor Fox, he was so exhausted he could fall asleep standing up.

  "C'mon," Wolffe carefully positioned Fox so he could pick him up easily. Fox subconsciously gripped Wolffe's hoodie tightly, making it harder for Wolffe. Wolffe missed the times when he would easily pick Fox up because he was tiny and so much smaller than Wolffe. As they grew older, the age gap between them became less noticeable. Fox was only few centimeters smaller now and while Wolffe could still pick him up, it wasn't as easy anymore, especially when Fox was fighting against him.

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