The one chapter where Emerie gets a best friend

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  Emerie loved it in the park. She decided that it was her second favorite place, right after her new house. And going there with Fox was even better but Emerie supposed that going out with a best friend was always great.

  "Wow, those flowers are purple!" Emerie noticed a line of bright purple flowers behind a fence. She reached out to pick one.

  "Don't," Fox stopped her.

  "Why not?"

  "You can't."

  "But why?"

  "Because the flowers belong to someone."

  "To whom?"

  "I don't know."

  "Then how do you know they belong to someone?"

  "Look, just don't pick those flowers and drop it."

  "But why can't I take one?"

  "Because those flowers belong to someone."

  "To whom?"

  "I don't know."

  "But how can you-"

  "Look, Emerie. Someone bought those flowers and put them behind the fence so no one can take those flowers," Fox explained.

  "But that's mean!"

  Fox just shrugged. He knew so much about everything! Emerie wanted to be like him. Well, maybe not exactly like him but she sure wanted to be this smart.

  "Does a lot of people have flowers?"


  "And why don't we have a flower?"

  "No idea."

  "What if I want a flower, can we buy a flower?" Emerie really wanted a flower. Or maybe multiple flowers, so she could pick more colors of flowers. She was pretty sure she saw some white and yellow flowers when she was in the park with Cody and they younger children earlier.

  "I'm pretty sure that if you ask Cody, he will buy you some."

  "Do you think they could be purple?" Emerie asked. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted a purple flower. She liked the color purple. Or blue. Or green. Or pink. Or literally anything that wasn't the kaminoan white.


  "And how is this kind of flower called?"


  "And how many other flowers are there?"

  "A lot."

  "Can we see more flowers in the park?"


  "Let's go faster."

  Fox didn't answer but he started walking in a faster pace. Perfect. This way, they were going to reach the park in no time. Emerie couldn't be more happy. Because she was going to the park with her best friend. She told Fox as much. He looked at a loss of words, maybe he was real happy to have a best friend too.

  "Look!" Emerie noticed the gate of the park in a distance. "I can see the park already!"

  Fox took a moment to respond. "That's great."

  "Come on!" Emerie whined impatiently. She wanted to finally get to the park. Why did walking have to be so slow? It was too slow, even when it was so much faster than the regulation walk. It was a good thing she didn't have to live by the regulations anymore.

  Fox fastened his pace a bit more when Emerie asked him to but not by much. Maybe he didn't like running. Either way, they were pretty close to the park already. Emerie glanced at the watch with little animals on them that Cody borrowed her. He said that Rex used to wear them when he was young. Emerie loved them and she liked that she could tell they've been on the way exactly seven minutes and twenty three seconds. Twenty four. Twenty five. She watched the seconds go by on the watch until Fox warned her that if she continues walking like that, she will soon hit the metal fence of the park.

  "Why is there a fence? Isn't park for everyone?"

  "It's so it can be locked for the night."

  "Why would it be locked?"

  "I don't know, it's just the way it is."

  It had to be some sort of a secret if Fox didn't know it. Fox knew everything so far. Emerie really wished she could be so smart. "You really don't know?"


  "Oh, okay... And can you pick flowers in the park?"


  "So I can take as many flowers as I want? That's amazing! I want a lot of flowers," Emerie decided. She could already see some yellow ones and she was sure that there was more. Surely Fox will help her so she can collect the flowers quickly. "What are the yellow ones called?"

  Fox shrugged. He probably just couldn't see the flowers from the distance.

  Emerie jogged to the closest bunch of the bright yellow flowers. She carefully plucked one of the flowers and brought it back to Fox. "Do you know what's this flower?"

  "Dandelion," Fox said after taking a brief look at the flower.

  Emerie had a lot of fun picking random flowers and asking Fox for their names. She decided that her favorite one was bluebell, because of it's beautiful color. At the beginning, she didn't want to pick any white flowers because she hated white but she soon found out that white things could be pretty too.

  The way back home came all too fast. It was a shame that Fox had work. Emerie could spend the entire evening with him in the park. But as best friends, they will definitely spend a lot of time together every day. She asked Fox if they could.

  "Sure," Fox said. Having a best friend really was a good thing.

  Sorry for not posting sooner, I was real busy. I hope you liked the chapter, even if it's a shorter one. The rest didn't really fit in the chapter so you can be looking forward to that for tomorrow.

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