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Obi-Wan was having a nice day. He only had a few classes in school that day and had a meeting with Quinlan planned. His friend has spent nearly a year abroad and now that he was finally back, Obi-Wan couldn't wait to catch up.

Everything happened in the typical Quinlan fashion. Quinlan came half an hour later than he was supposed to, alerted the whole cafe of his presence with a loud shout of Obi-Wan's name and then almost choked Obi-Wan in a hug. Not that Obi-Wan expected anything different.

"So how have you been?" he asked when Quinlan finally ordered his coffee with six extra doses of sugar and sat down.

"I fell into the fountain in the mall yesterday."

That... was also an answer. "And during the last year?"

"Wait, Obes. You gotta hear this. There was this smoking hot security guard. Tall, with dark hair, brown eyes... exactly your type."

"I'm not really looking for a relationship right now."

"Obes, Obes, Obes... what even was the last time you got someone into bed?"

"Quin, for god's sake, we are not teenagers anymore. I'm in my thirties and I'm completely alright with my life. Besides, I have a teenager in my care, I can't really bring a bed mate."

"God, you are such an old prick! Ahsoka is sixteen, she knows what sex is."

"Quinlan, go spoil your baby sister."

Quinlan snorted at that. "Aayla has a boyfriend. They've been dating for years now."

"Maybe you should learn from them and finally settle instead of hitting on random people in a bar," Obi-Wan advised. "Seriously, Quinlan. Let's move on from my love life."

"Sure, sure, whatever," Quinlan rolled his eyes. "How's teaching? What is it again that you teach? Falling asleep with a book?"

"Literature is an interesting and exciting field of study, thank you very much."

"Whatever you say, Obes, anyway, let me tell you about this guy I've met..."

After having a few cups of both coffee and tea and pretty much traumatizing everyone in earshot, Quinlan dragged Obi-Wan to a shopping centre. Why that all of places, Obi-Wan didn't know.

And then he did.

Quinlan, that bastard, threw him into the water fountain! Wasn't that a little too childish even for someone like his friend? Apparently Quinlan was even less mature than Obi-Wan remembered. He turned around to tell Quinlan that much but instead of Quinlan, he was met with another familiar set of eyes. The eyes of Cody Fett.

"Hello there."

"I just want you to know I've never fished Fox's literature teacher from the fountain before," Cody pinched the bridge of his nose before offering Obi-Wan a hand. A true gentlemen.

"Ah, thank you, Mr. Fett," Obi-Wan accepted the outstretched hand and let Cody pull him out of the fountain. Damn, he was strong.

"People who fall into the water fountain call me 'the scary security guard'," Cody growled and really, he had a tag with 'SECURITY' written on it pinned to his jacket. "Also, if you wanted to see me, you could've just called."

Cody learns to loveWhere stories live. Discover now