The one chapter where Wolffe remembers he is an ori'vod

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  When Fox woke up, he was confused for a bit. Then he remembered what happened and figured out that he had a seizure. Wonderful, second in the last few weeks, almost third if Cody hadn't calmed him down during the hair dye incident. He hasn't had so many seizures in such a short while since he was just a kid. He thought he was finally doing better but... osik. He wasn't making Cody's life any easier, was he? Osik. Osik. Osik. Osik. Osik.

  "Easy, Fox," he heard Wolffe's voice. What the kark was Wolffe even doing there? It didn't really matter, did it? Wolffe was right, he had to calm down. e just had to breathe. In and out. In and out. In and out. It wasn't that hard.

  "Here," Fox felt Wolffe press a glass into his hand and he gratefully took a sip before drowning the whole thing. The cool water pleasantly soothed his dry throat. He just sat there, resting his forehead against the cold glass, for a bit.

  When he felt calm enough to put the glass down, Wolffe handed him a chocolate bar. On instinct, Fox broke the thing in half and handed one half to Wolffe before biting into his own piece of chocolate. It was a routine they developed as kids. They would perform this whenever Fox got overwhelmed at school. Drink, food, and a hug. The only thing missing now was a hug.

  "C'mere," as if Wolffe could read Fox's thoughts, which Fox knew for a fact he couldn't, he pulled Fox closer to him into a tight hug. Tight, but Wolffe still left enough spoace for Fox to pull away if he wanted, Fox noticed. He didn't want to, though. Wolffe was one of the two only people that were allowed to hug Fox and he also gave the second best hugs in the world.


  "Always, little bro," Wolffe grinned.


  Fox hated mind healers. He hated them and Cody promised that he didn't have to go to a mind healer. And now his teacher sent him to the school mind healer and she wanted him to draw his brothers but Fox didn't draw people, he only knew how to draw foxes so he drew a fox. The mind healer was mad and wanted him to draw another picture so Fox drew another fox and then again. What was he doing wrong? Wasn't it obvious that he couldn't draw people?

  Apparently not because the mind healers kept asking him to draw his brothers and then asked why he didn't draw them and Fox didn't know her and he wasn't going to talk to her but she kept asking and Fox was just so confused and afraid. He wanted Cody to be there, Cody would tell the mind healer to stop.

  But Cody wasn't there and the mind healer kept asking. It was so annoying! And... was Fox imagining things or was her voice really getting louder and louder? It was getting too much.

  Fox covered his ears because it was just so loud! He tried breathing like Cody taught him but it wasn't working and everything was just so much and still so loud!

  "Where is Fox?!" he heard Wolffe's voice faintly. That was good. If Wolffe was there, it was fine. He would tell the mind healer to stop and he would protect Fox.

  There was some more shouting that Fox just couldn't understand. He just knew that it was loud and that he hated it.

  Then Wolffe was there, kneeling in front of Fox. He wasn't saying anything, he knew Fox wouldn't understand him anyway. Instead, he brought his water bottle to Fox's lips and forced Fox to take a sip. The second sip was easier and then Fox didn't feel that much like choking anymore. Wolffe passed him a cookie, the big chocolate one that Cody sometimes put in their lunchboxes. He subconsciously split the cookie in half and offered one half to Wolffe. Then they ate the cookie together and then Wolffe embraced Fox gently. Fox didn't know how long they've been sitting there like that.

  "How long have I been out?"

  "A few hours. You missed a lot. Emerie woke up."

  "How is she?"

  "Fine, I guess. A little weird but smart. I think you will get along just fine. Yeah, and we don't have to share a room."


  "Hey! I'm not that bad of a roommate. We shared a room for years!"

  "That was before you started playing video games until 4 am. Besides, you stink," Fox nudged Wolffe playfully and the older boy answered with shoving him away with a mock offeneded expression. "Anyway, where is she staying if not here?"

  "Bly is moving out."

  "What?! But- he can't- he can't just move out because Cody got another kid. Bly belongs here, it's not fair that he has to move out so a random girl Cody just met gets to stay!"

  "Relax, Fox. Bly offered to move out."

  "What if I don't want him to move out?"

  "Well, he wants to move out. He's an adults, Fox, he can move out when he wants."

  "But he's our brother! He can't- he can't abandon us..."

  "Easy, Fox. Wouldn't want you to get another seizure."

  "I'm not going to have another seizure!"

  "I'm calling Cody."

  "Wait! Wait, Wolffe just- stay. Please," Fox begged. He hasn't begged like that since he was about seven and wanted to share bed with Wolffe after an emotional outburst. But Wolffe always agreed. Fox knew he was going to agree this time too, even when Fox was too old to need his ori'vod comforting him.

  "Of course," Cody stopped in his tracks and settled back on the edge of Fox's bed.

  "When is Bly moving out?"

  "He's going today but he will be moving his stuff later. Honestly, it was just about time that he decided to move in with Aayla."

  "I guess," Fox shrugged. He wasn't sure if Wolffe knew how much it was really bothering him.When they were children, Wolffe could read him without a problem. But as they grew older, Fox learned to hide his emotions better and they also grew apart a bit, no longer spending all the time together and sleeping in the same room. Fox was no longer sure where they stood. They were still close, just not like before when they would be almost like twins, or as much like twins as they could with the age gap of two years.

  "I know you hate changes. But hey, Bly isn't going far and I'm sure he will visit often. Besides, we are getting rid of a boring adult and get a little sister instead. Seriously, Emerie is so weird you just have to get along."

  "Thanks for calling me weird."

  "I mean, it's not like it's a secret. You wanna sit here for the whole evening or are we going downstairs? The kids egged Bly into cooking pancakes. I'm sure Cody saved you some."

  "Alright, let's go," Fox decided. It wasn't like he could avoid his new sister forever.

  "Yeah, and I should probably warn you. Our new little sister kept asking about you and she is pretty much set on becoming best friends with you."

  "You are kidding me, right?"

  "Me? Kidding?" Wolffe looked at him with mock offense. "Seriously, Fox, I'm serious at the moment."

  "Let's go meet my new best friend, then."

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