The one chapter where Fox feels better

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  Fox enjoyed staying with Waxer and Boil. He never thought he would enjoy being somewhere that wasn't home, without Cody. Yet he found himself happy in Waxer's care.

  It didn't take Fox long to figure out what exactly it was that he enjoyed. It was how everything was about him. How Waxer prepared meals that Fox liked, not like when Cody substituted whatever food the other kids were eating with something that Fox tolerated. How he could pick the movie in the evening, he didn't even remember the last time he picked a movie and not the kids. Or that he could actually have a long night of sleep without anyone crying or Wolffe creeping across his room in the middle of the night. It was the first time in years that he really slept the whole night and it felt wonderful.

  The next step to a perfect day was the breakfast. Waxer just prepared him toast, with no asking why he only ate his toasts dry, no teasing, no talks about nutrition. That was great, too.

  "If you wanted more, just ask." Waxer placed two toast in front of Fox. Fox was sure that he wasn't going to want more but the offer was nice. "What do you want to drink? If I remember correctly you don't like tea so maybe some juice?"

  "Can I get a coffee?"

  "Aren't you a little young for that?"

  Okay, so maybe Fox was going to rethink his choice of the best breakfast. It was annoying that everyone kept telling him he was too young to drink coffee. If they were traditional mandalorians, he would be considered an adult by now. Besides, they were all coffee addicted hypocrites. "No, I'm not."

  "It's not healthy for you to drink coffee. Cody lets you drink coffee?"

  "Yeah." He usually bitches about me being too young for an hour, Fox didn't say.

  "Alright then. You can have one cup, but no more," Waxer decided. Fox was pretty sure he will be able to get another caff out of Waxer in the afternoon. Or maybe he could try Boil, Boil probably won't care much.


  "Do you want milk or sugar?"

  Fox shook his head.

  Waxer gave the dark black liquid a disapproving glance before handing the mug to Fox. "You have that from Cody, don't you? The disgusting caff with literally nothing in it?"

  "It's good," Fox shrugged, taking a sip. He liked the bitter taste.

  "There are good habits to pick from Cody too, you know?" Waxer joked. "Do you want something else?"

  "Can I get a glass of water?"

  "Of course."

  Neither of them spoke after that, not until Fox finished his breakfast.

  "Fox, are you sure you know the way to school from here? Or do you want me to walk you?" Waxer asked then.

  "It's fine, I know the way."

  "Alright. I will pack you your lunch. Cody said you get two slices of toast bread, a slice of ham and cheese, an apple and a cookie? Or do you want something else?"

  "The usual. Thanks."

  "Okay. You have..." Waxer glanced at the clock. "You have ten more minutes. You can go to your room and I will give you your lunch on your way out?"

  "Sounds great, thanks."

  For the first time in weeks, Fox joined Wolffe and Tanya for lunch. He usually spent the lunch break in the library if he wasn't feeling like socializing and he rarely felt up to being in the loud mess hall nowadays.

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