The one chapter where Cody gets another addition into his collection

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  Cody was nervous when he stood in front of the social service's office in Little Keldabe where he was supposed to pick up Omega. He did some research on the internet. They said it didn't matter much if she was a girl or a boy when she was just a baby. It did exactly nothing to ease his nerves.

  He was familiar with the process already. It was fairly easy, actually. Adoption was common among mandalorians and being related to the children also helped. Besides, the social workers already knew him. He was there just a few days ago to officially sign the paperwork for taking Boba. That was also easy. He just had to sign three papers.

  Just as he thought, there were no problems with making his custody over Omega official. She was just a baby so there wasn't any probation period like there was with Emerie. They assured him that Omega should get used to him soon and she quite obviously wasn't going to remember anything from before.

  "I don't suppose you need a parenting manual?" the social worker asked after she handed him a sleeping Omega.

  "No, I'm fine," Cody shook his head. He forgot the question as soon as he answered it. All his focus was on Omega's tiny body, her cute little face scrunched up in her sleep. If he didn't know better, he could easily mistake her for Boba's twin. From what he knew, the girl was only two days younger than Boba. She looked exactly like him, safe for her soft baby hair that was blonde instead of Boba's brown. Yeah, and she was also a girl.

  "We already updated your Little Keldabe resident profile so you will be getting all the benefits."

  "Thanks," Cody said absentmindedly. The social worker then left with a quick goodbye and Cody was free to bring Omega home.

  The girl slept for the whole way to Cody's ancient car. Well, it was technically Rex's but Cody and Bly both paid a third of the price and they shared the car just as almost everything. Cody only used the car for emergencies or when he needed to pick up his new traumatized sibling and had to return as fast as he could to the rest of his siblings. Bly was there to look after the kids but Cody still hated leaving them without his direct supervision.

  "Let's buckle you up," he gently spoke to Omega who wouldn't understand him even if she was awake but who cared, right? Honestly, Cody sometimes wondered who will listen to his random monologues once all the children grew up. Omega didn't as much as stir for the entire ride.

  It was only when they stopped in front of the Fett household and Cody took Omega into his arms that she opened her eyes. Cody expected her to start crying because that's what Boba did pretty much all the time he wasn't sleeping or eating - Cody could already hear him crying his lungs out and he hasn't even opened the door yet - but Omega just giggled and reached out with her chubby hand. What a sweet little child.

  "Let's introduce you to your brothers, what do you say?" Cody asked as he rocked Omega gently. She giggled again. Cody decided to take it as a yes.

  After years of carrying children around, he was experienced in doing everything with one hand. It really was no problem to open the door while holding Omega. Problem would be if one of the other children ran up to him and demanded to be picked up too. Luckily, they all seemed to be having fun watching TV and barely noticed Cody walking in.

  "Hey," Bly was the only one who looked up when Cody entered the living room. He was ironing some clothes. Cody wasn't sure who will do that particular chore from now on that Bly wasn't going to live with them anymore. Bly usually handled breakfasts and a huge portion of the laundry. Cody will have to sacrifice some more of his sleep or make the kids do more chores.

  "Wow, is that Omega?" Echo suddenly noticed him too. "She is tiny, like Boba," he observed.

  "She is," Cody nodded.

  "Wow! She is blonde like Rex!" Fives noticed. Cody expected something like that, and he also expected ex to develop a soft spot for their new little sister because of it. Him and the older of the Fetts often teased Rex about his hair and the younger ones always asked why Rex was the only one with blonde hair. They, of course, won't be teasing Omega, at least not until she was old enough to understand that they were just joking around.

  "Can I hold her?" Emerie asked. She had previously told Cody that she wasn't really allowed near Omega before except for the times she was helping their mother with some experiment. Cody's stomach always turned when Emerie mentioned experiments on her or Omega or those insane regulations they had to live by. Not even the military had rules that strict.

  "Of course. Just be careful. Come here, I will show you how to hold her," he carefully handed Omega to Emerie before gently guiding Emerie's arms so she was supporting Omega's head. "Be careful not to drop her."

  While Emerie and the children around her were focused on Omega, Cody turned to Bly. "Where is Boba?"

  "Fox has him."

  Cody raised an eyebrow. He could hear Boba crying. Fox hated noises. And while the teenager would sometimes do additional chores or watch the kids in an effort to make Cody's life easier, Cody couldn't imagine Fox just randomly taking Boba when he could just leave him with Bly.

  "I think he mainly wanted to get rid of Emerie," Bly answered his unspoken question. "Or that's what Wolffe thinks and you know that he is good at picking on Fox's emotions."

  "I will go talk to him," Cody decided. "Are you okay with watching them for a bit more?"

  "Sure, I have to meet my new little sister, right?"

  "Thanks, Bly. I don't know what I'm going to do without you."

  "Don't act like I'm moving far away. I will be only two levels up, I will still visit you a lot."

  "Look, Bly, my baby brother is growing up and I have crippling depression and there is no way you can change that. So be that kind and let me drown in my sorrow."

  The look Bly gave him was a little odd but he didn't say anything. Cody took his leave and jogged up the stairs to Fox's room. His heart to heart conversations with Fox were becoming worryingly frequent. Maybe it was a good thing.

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