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The universe hated Cody. Not that it was something new. What was new, however, was Echo woke up with a fever and definitely had strep throat. Not that it was all that surprising with the way he shared everything with Fives. The little shits were actually happy about staying home together.

A bigger surprise was when both Wooley and Jesse threw up and in all honesty, Fox didn't look well either. According to his own words he was 'fine, Cody, just tired'. According to Cody's words he looked like shit and was staying home until he stopped looking greenish.

Kix diagnosed them all with seasickness and Cody had to stop him from wrapping them all in toiletpaper - 'I have to use something, Cody, it's not my fault we have no bandages.' - by force. The kid was going to make a scarily good doctor one day.

"Rex, I beg your professional opinion. Think someone would be willing to babysit four sick children and a teenager?"

"Unless you want to employ a psychopath..."

"Very funny, Rex."

"I can watch them," Fox yelled from the refresher where he was hunched over the toilet. Cody wondered what exactly was he even throwing up. Fox refused breakfast, about as clear indication that he wasn't fine as vomiting was. He will have to make Fox eat something.

"You don't have to, Fox. I will find someone."

"It's fine. I'm not that bad at ori'voding."

"I'm not saying you are. You just shouldn't have to watch four sick children at your age."

"I don't mind."

"If you are sure," Cody shrugged. "I will quickly cook something and leave it in the fridge for you to heat. And I will leave you all the medication prepared with instructions. You sure you're feeling up to it?"

"It will be fine."

It took Fox exactly ten minutes after Cody left to realize that no, everything won't, in fact, be fine.

"Jesse, stop eating that! You will throw up again," Fox scolded Jesse who apparently thought it a good idea to have an ice cream. While eating treats when Cody wasn't at home was a favorite activity in the Fett household and wasn't all that bad of an idea, combined with vomiting, it was just about the worse thing to do. Not that Jesse listened. The brat took the ice cream and ran somewhere into the house, closely followed by the twins that certainly weren't authorized to eat ice cream either.

"Wait here, Wooley, okay?" Fox sat the toddler on the floor and grabbed him a paper and a pencil from the table. Wooley, to his credit, just giggled at him and seemed content being a sweetheart and scribbling on the paper. Maybe that's why he was Cody's favorite. He was quickly becoming Fox's favorite too.

It wasn't too hard to locate the kids. Yes, the bathtub was a unique and a pretty good hiding spot but they would have to shut up or at least whisper.

"Boo," Fox said sarcastically as he opened the door to the refresher. "The ice cream, please?"

"You can't be such a meanie, Fox!" Fives protested as he shoved a spoon into his mouth. Was the kid stupid or was he trying to make Fox stab him. Knowing Fives, probably both.

Cody learns to loveWhere stories live. Discover now